Ever heard of the MBTI test? It's shorthand for myers-briggs type indicator.
你有听过MBTI测试么?即迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标的缩写 。
First published in 1943 it still holds significance today and is used in many circumstances
ranging from marital counseling and relationship compatibility to career selection and personal development.
比如婚姻咨询、关系适应能力、职业选择和个人发展 。
As lovers of psychology and personality types, we thought it would be fun to do a series on all sixteen types.
作为心理学和性格类型的爱好者,我们认为做一个关于16中人格类型的系列节目一定很有趣 。
Today we'll be talking about INFJs otherwise known as the Advocate.
今天我们要讲的是INFJ型的人,他们也被称为提倡者 。
Here are seven fun secrets revealed about INFJs.
以下是关于INFJ型人的七个有趣的秘密 。
1. They're magical unicorns.
1. 他们是会魔法的独角兽 。
Okay not in a literal sense but INFJs statistically have been reported as the rarest personality type.
好啦,这指的不是字面意思,但据称INFJ型的人是一种非常稀有的人格类型 。
To be exact only one to two percent of the world's population identify as INFJs with slightly more females than males.
确切来说,世界上仅有1-2%的人被鉴定为INFJ型人格,其中女性人数稍多于男性 。
No wonder you're such mysterious creatures.
难怪你们是如此神秘的生物 。
2. They put the book in bookworm.
2. 他们是小书虫 。
As introverts, INFJs love to pass time with the good old reading hour.
作为内向者,INFJ型的人喜欢在空闲时读上一本好书 。
They enjoy learning new things and have a broad range of interests whether it's history, Hogwarts or psychology.
他们享受学习新的事物且爱好广泛,比如历史书、《哈利波特》系列或是心理学 。
If you find that your INFJ hasn't gotten back to your text, they might just be visiting platform nine and three-quarters.
如果你发现你的INFJ型朋友没回你短信,他们可能又去参观九又四分之三月台啦 。
3. They know how to climb the social ladder.
3. 他们知道如何攀登社会阶梯 。
Consider INFJs as the goats in society, they know how to climb a mountain when they see one.
INFJ型的人是这个社会的羊群,他们知道如何攀登眼前的山峰 。
Ambitious, knowledge-seeking and always open to self-improvement, this type does what it takes to reach their goals.
他们野心勃勃、渴望知识且欢迎自我提升,这种类型的人愿意为了实现目标而努力 。
If they aren't careful however they may push themselves too hard.
如果他们不够仔细,可能是因为他们把自己逼得太紧了 。
4. They see things and understand them.
4. 他们能够理解所见之事 。
Think of Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower a classic INFJ or Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye,
the minute they walk into a room they can absorb everyone's moods.
一旦他们走入一个房间,他们就能体会到每个人的情绪 。
5. They love a good puzzle.
5. 他们爱解密 。
INFJs might seem timid when you first meet them but don't be fooled by their quiet demeanor, they never shy away from a good challenge.
第一次见他们的时候,INFJ型的人似乎很胆小,但是千万不要被他们的行为所欺骗,面对好的挑战,他们绝不会退缩 。
Deep thinkers with rich inner lives INFJs enjoy problem-solving and reflecting on ethics.
他们是内心丰富的深沉思考者,他们享受解决问题并会思考道德准则 。
6. They're classy AF.
6. 他们很有品味 。
This type likes the finer things in life whether it means enjoying a good glass of wine
or wearing a snazzy pair of Oxford's. They strive for sophistication.
或是穿一双新潮的牛津鞋 。他们追求精致 。
It's important for them to look and feel good, you'll catch them owning one or two quality items instead of five cheap ones.
对他们而言,打扮和内心良好的感觉很重要,你会发现他们有那么一两件奢华物件而非五六件便宜货 。
7. They make routine on boring.
7. 他们把日程安排的不紧不慢 。
INFJs are masters at organizing from filing papers at work and color coding bookshelves to planning the week ahead with those nifty bullet journals.
INFJ型的人是整理工作材料、整理颜色编码书柜以及提前做好计划的大师 。
Meticulous about their details and regimens you can always count on an INFJ to be prepared, punctual and persistent.
他们对细节和生活制度一丝不苟,你可以放心,INFJ型的人一定会做好准备、守时且执着 。
Are you an INFJ? Do you identify with these traits? Please share your thoughts below.
你是INFJ型人格么?你有这些特质么?请在下方评论告知 。
We'll be exploring the rest of the personality types, so stay tuned if we haven't covered yours yet.
我们将继续探索剩下的人格类型,如果还有我们没讲到的,请耐心守候 。
Our comment of the video goes to Vad Dey who wrote you forgot crushing on a fictional character.
本期我们选出的评论是Vad Dey的写的:你们把虚拟角色给忘记啦 。
That's very true. Stick around till the end of every video to see if your comment made it to our next video. Thanks for watching!
还真是这样 。请坚持看到视频最后,看看你们评论会不会出现在下一期视频中 。感谢收看!