Trauma occurs in many forms ranging from verbal to physical and our sexual.
创伤的形式多种,比如口头、身体或性创伤 。
Whether you've personally experienced abuse or have witnessed it, we want you to know that it's not your fault nor are you alone.
不论你是亲身经历者或是见证者,我们希望大家知道这并不是你们的错,你们也并非孤身一人 。
Not only is it hard to talk about but it follows you even after it's over.
这些创伤不仅难以开口叙述,甚至会纠缠着你 。
We hope wherever you are today that you're in a safer place, our hearts go out to anyone who's been a victim of childhood abuse.
我们希望不论大家如今身在何处都寻觅到了一个更加安全的住所,我们对儿童虐待的受害者深表同情 。
In our description box below, we've included a few hotlines in case you need to contact someone for help.
我们下方的描述栏中有一些热线电话,假如你们需要联系别人寻求帮助的话 。
As always, you can also reach out in the comment box. Here are 7 ways childhood trauma follows you into adulthood.
和往常一样,你也可以在评论栏中寻求帮助 。以下是童年创伤纠缠你至成年的7种方法 。
1. You can't seem to remember much of your younger years at all.
1.你似乎对较年轻时的日子完全没有了记忆 。
Do your high school years feel like a blur?
You might find yourself drawing a blank when someone brings up a childhood memory and you can't recall the same one.
你或许会发现,当别人在讲述童年回忆时,你的大脑一片空白也回忆不起来 。
People with childhood trauma may experience flashbulb memories
in which they remember vivid moments but not the full event.
在这种情况下,他们记得鲜明的时刻但记不起整个事件 。
When you look back on the past, it's made up of more black holes than fully written chapters.
当你回忆过去时,回忆里黑洞多于文字章节 。
You might even feel like someone or something has stolen your childhood depending on the severity of the events.
你甚至还感觉有人偷走了你的童年,这取决事件的严重程度 。
2. You find yourself in toxic relationships.
2. 你发现自己陷入有毒的恋爱关系中 。
If you've ever watched or read the Perks of being a Wallflower,
you'd be familiar with the quote 'we accept the love we think we deserve'.
你会对其中的那句‘我们接受我们认为自己配的上的爱’感到熟悉 。
When you grow up in a household devoid of love and emotional support, healthy relationships are a foreign concept to you.
当你成长在一个缺乏爱和情感支撑的家庭中时,健康的关系于你而言是个外来的概念 。
In fact, many people who face childhood trauma often adopt the fearful avoidant attachment style
where they want emotionally close relationships but find it hard to trust or depend on others completely.
他们想要情感上的亲密关系,但却发现很难完全信赖或依赖他人 。
Consequently, without knowing it you might seek destructive relationships, mistaking the mistreatment and uncertainty for excitement.
结果在不知情的情况下,你或许会寻找毁灭性的关系,错将虐待和不确定当成刺激 。
3. Or you feel like you don't deserve love at all.
3. 或者你感觉自己的根本不值得爱 。
People who experienced abuse in their childhoods might avoid romantic relationships altogether believing they can't be loved by others.
在童年受过虐待的人可能会干脆避免恋爱关系,他们认为自己不会被他人所爱 。
This is known as the anxious preoccupied attachment where the individual wants to establish emotional intimacy with others but often fears rejection.
这被称为焦虑型依赖,他们想要和别人建立起情感上的亲密,但经常害怕被拒绝 。
As a result, vulnerability is usually avoided when they've only been hurt by people they once trusted.
结果当被他们曾被所信任的人伤害时,他们会避开脆弱的一面 。
This kind of trauma doesn't just ache, it ruins you.
这种创伤不仅仅疼还会毁了你 。
4. You develop passive-aggressiveness.
4. 你形成了消极的攻击性 。
Did you grow up in a household with anger all the time?
It can be so scarring that you might even grow fearful of this emotion.
可怕的是你甚至有可能养成对这种情绪的惧怕感 。
You learned at a young age that none of your emotional needs were important so you've only resorted to brewing or suppressing them.
小时候你就了解到自己的情感需求都不重要,因此你只求助于酝酿或压抑你的情绪 。
As you reach adulthood, you'll continue to exercise passive-aggressive behavior
because straightforward communication was avoided when you were a child.
因为在你小时候,坦率的交流是要被避免的 。
5. Negative self-talk is amplified.
5. 消极的自我对话被放大 。
Childhood trauma gets into victims heads and makes them believe they won't ever be good enough.
童年创伤深入受害者的脑子里,让他们认为自己永远都不够好 。
It's not something they can just snap out of or fix with positivity
it's scary and real how convincing their parents might have been when their words and actions cut them deep.
当父母用言语和行动深深伤害他们的时候,这些父母的说服力让人感到可怕又真实 。
6. You ride an emotional roller coaster.
6. 你坐上了情绪的过山车 。
You might either feel too much or not enough at all. Trauma can cause a disruption in your emotional well-being,
你要么会感到太过压抑或是情绪上的空洞 。创伤可以导致幸福感的中断,
signs include trouble making decisions, impulsive behavior and random outbursts of anger or frustration.
迹象包括难以作出决定、冲动行为和愤怒或沮丧的随机爆发 。
7. You don't know who you are.
7. 你不知道自己是谁 。
Identity is difficult but it seems more impossible to grasp or pin down when you face childhood trauma.
身份识别很难,但是当你面对自己的童年创伤时,似乎更加不可能理解或弄清楚自己是谁 。
It's slippery like a fish and the more you try to see yourself the less you begin to recognize who you thought you were.
它像鱼一样滑,你越试着看清自己,你就越无法认识自己是谁 。
Have you or anyone you know experienced any of these symptoms? Please share your thoughts with us below.
你或者你认识的人有经历过这些症状么?请在下方评论分享你的想法 。
We're an open-minded team and we will never judge you for your stories. In fact, we often find them inspiring.
我们是一支思想开明的团队,我们绝不会因为你的故事评判你 。其实我们发现有时候这些故事鼓舞人心 。
Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and share this video with others. Thanks so much for watching!
还有不要忘记订阅我们的频道获取更多帮助并将视频分享给别人 。感谢收看!