They didn't know you were here.
Wow, that's fun. Yeah, very surprising. Hi. Hi.
哇哦 好玩儿 嗯 很惊喜 嗨 嗨
They were tearing it up before. It was like a dance club.
大家刚才玩的很嗨啊 就像夜店一样
Yes it is. Yes, they're very excited to see you, Pink.
确实 嗯 大家见到你很激动 Pink
And I'm excited to see you. You look fantastic.
我见到你也很激动 你棒极了
I wish Carey would do that when I got home.
Yeah. He doesn't do that? No.
嗯 他不会吗 不会
What about the babies, Jameson, Willow? Jameson does. Willow? Willow's like, eh. Yeah. Nah.
那孩子们呢 Jameson Willow?Jameson倒是很开心 Willow Willow就是 嗯 对 呐
But Jameson does. Jameson's like, hi, mama. Like, you little-- oh!
不过Jameson很开心 他就是 嗨 妈妈 你这个小——哦
He's adorable. He is adorable.
他好可爱 确实很可爱
It's Earth Day, and you are doing wonderful things for the planet, first of all, just by being on it.
今天是地球日 你为地球做了很多好事 首先 你的存在就是其一
And then also, you have a 25 acre vineyard.
然后 你还有一个25英亩的葡萄园
Yes, organic. And organic.
对 是有机的 还是有机的
And when you said you were going to start making wine,
I pictured like you had like a row of like, six plants back in your yard.
You really-- it's amazing. You have a whole winery. A whole thing, yeah.
你真的 很厉害 你有一整个酿酒厂 整个系统 对
And it's selling, and it's doing really well.
而且还很畅销 做的还挺好
Well, I've sold 85 cases so far. Wow. We just started.
嗯 目前我已经卖出去了85箱 哇哦 我们刚起步
Thanks. Tell everyone the name and where they can go buy it.
谢谢 告诉大家叫什么名字 哪里可以买到
It's called Two Wolves, and it is my heart project.
叫Two Wolves 这是我真心想做的事情
I've had two dreams in my life. One I'm going to do in a minute.
我这一生有两个梦想 第一个我马上就要做
And the other is making wine. And the thing about it is--
另一个就是造酒 关于这一点
Wait, where do I fit into it? Am I-- You're there, you're there.
等一下 我的位置在哪儿?我在 你在的 你在的
OK, OK. You're there. Thank you.
好 好 有你的 谢谢
You're with me, and we're on our knees listening to music, pruning.
你跟我在一起 我们在跪着听音乐 修剪枝丫
OK, all right. No, but talk about the wine.
好吧 好 再来说说酒
Because you really went into learning everything about it.
I did. I went to school. And I'm a high school dropout.
是的 我去上学了 我本来是高中辍学的
It's the first time I've been a student.
I think education is sometimes wasted on the young, because we don't know what we're interested in.
我觉得有时候教育在年轻人身上被浪费了 因为我们不知道自己对什么感兴趣
But I love learning, and I love hard work.
但我喜欢学习 我喜欢努力工作
I like work. I like to be busy. And it's art too.
我喜欢工作 喜欢让自己忙着 这也是一种艺术
And it's beautiful, and it's creative. It's me and one other woman.
它很美 有创新性 是我跟另一名女子
And we're just doing the damn thing.
It's so great. I'm so excited for you.
太好了 真替你感到高兴
You look so good and so rested.
你气色很好 休息的也很好
You were at the Staples Center last night.
Do I? Yeah, you do. I have a very good makeup artist.
是吗?是的 我的化妆师技术真好
Yeah. No, you do. You look great.
嗯 不 你看起来真的很精神 很好
And your eyes are very clear, and you look healthy.
目光澄澈 身强体健
Thank you. You do.
谢谢 真是这样
I'm surprised myself to say it. And Willow is working now.
我很惊讶我会说出这种话 Willow现在也在工作
What do you have her doing there?
She's working. She works dancers quick change.
她在工作 她帮舞者快速换装
So the dancers-- we all have a lot of quick outfit changes.
舞蹈演员们 我们都有很多快速换装的外套
And she works under the stage. And she really does work.
她在台下工作 是真的在做事
She's already asked for a raise.
And she also has lemonade stands.
And this one was to save the sloths. Or actually-- We have two.
这个是为了救助树懒 或者是 我们有两只
I think one is named Aretha, and the other one is named Beyonce.
一只叫Aretha 另一只叫Beyonce
This is for real, the Costa Rican Foundation for Sloths.
这是真的 哥斯达黎加树懒基金会
And she raises money.
She did a report in school, and she sold the report to all the suckers on my tour for $5.
她在学校做了份报告 然后在我的演唱会上把报告卖给了粉丝 5美元一份
And they're like, god, you are expensive.
他们都说 天 你卖的好贵啊
Yeah. So it's good. She raises a lot of money.
嗯 很好 她筹了很多钱
She's raised money for the sloths.
She's currently trying to find a lizard sanctuary.
We haven't been able to find one. No? All right.
我们还没找到 没有嘛?好
Well, if she'll give me the money, I'll find one.
如果她愿意把钱给我 我帮她找一个
OK. If she wants to help my gorillas, I'll let her do that.
好啊 如果她愿意帮我的大猩猩 我绝对同意
She would. She would love to. She should help with that.
她会的 她肯定愿意 她应该在这方面努力下