In Devastation of Opioids: Family Spied New Market
摧毁阿片类药物之际 普渡制药家族嗅到了新的商机
By Danny Hakim, Roni Caryn Rabin and William Rashbaum
The Sacklers had a new plan.
萨克勒家族有了新计划 。
It was 2014, and the company the family had controlled for two generations, Purdue Pharma,
had been hit with years of investigations and lawsuits over its marketing of the highly addictive opioid painkiller OxyContin,
at one point pleading guilty to a federal felony and paying more than $600 million in criminal and civil penalties.
还一度承认犯有联邦重罪,并支付了6亿多美元的刑事和民事罚款 。
But as the country’s addiction crisis worsened, the Sacklers spied another business opportunity.
然而,随着美国毒瘾危机的恶化,萨克勒家族发现了另一个商机 。
They could increase their profits by selling treatments for the very problem their company had helped to create: addiction to opioids.
他们可以一边助长阿片类药物成瘾这一问题,一边出售治疗阿片类药物成瘾的药物来提高利润 。
Details of the effort, named Project Tango, have come to light in lawsuits filed by the attorneys general of Massachusetts and New York.
这一项目,项目名为“探戈计划”,的细节已经在马萨诸塞州和纽约州检察长提出的多起诉讼中曝光了 。
Together, the cases lay out the extensive involvement of a family
that has largely escaped personal legal consequences for Purdue Pharma’s role
in an epidemic that has led to hundreds of thousands of overdose deaths in the past two decades.
尽管普渡制药对此脱不了干系,萨克勒家族的人却逃脱了相关的法律后果 。
The filings cite numerous records, emails and other documents
showing that members of the family continued to push aggressively to expand the market for OxyContin and other opioids for years
after the company admitted in a 2007 plea deal that it had misrepresented the drug’s addictive qualities and potential for abuse.
但那以后的多年里,该家族的成员仍在积极扩大奥施康定等阿片类药物的市场 。
The business potential of adding addiction treatment to the mix was illustrated in internal company charts and diagrams.
公司内部的图表显示了将成瘾治疗纳入其治疗方案的潜在商机 。
"Pain treatment and addiction are naturally linked,"
one Project Tango document, included in the New York complaint, said.
纽约的诉状所包含的一份“探戈计划”文件里写道 。
It depicted a big blue funnel.
文件里还画了一个蓝色的大漏斗(来说明二者的关系) 。
The fat end was labeled "pain treatment"; the narrow end was labeled "opioid addiction treatment."
漏斗宽大的一端被画上了“疼痛治疗”的标记;细窄的一端则画上了“阿片类药物成瘾治疗”的标记 。
The company, the document said, could make money at both ends of the funnel as an "end-to-end pain provider."
该文件称,作为“端到端的痛苦制造者”,无论是哪一端,公司都可以获利 。
Dr. Kathe Sackler, one of the eight family members sitting on Purdue’s board,
instructed employees to devote "immediate attention" to the effort,
according to an email included in the Massachusetts filing.
她曾指示员工“立即投入”“探戈计划” 。
The two lawsuits are part of a burst of recent litigation that has taken aim at the Sacklers,
a far-flung billionaire family that has a network of trusts and companies in the United States and abroad.
这些诉讼都将矛头指向了势力庞大,国内外都有托拉斯和分公司的亿万富翁家族——萨克勒家族 。
Their philanthropic gifts have built namesake wings
housing the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and oriental antiquities at the Louvre in Paris,
as well as a library at the University of Oxford and a scientific institute at Columbia University.
还给牛津大学捐了一个图书馆,给哥伦比亚大学捐了一个科学研究所 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1. point to sth. as proof 将……作为证据
They point to persistently high unemployment and stagnant output as proof of the failure of current policies.
他们指出,失业率居高不下,经济增长停滞正好说明当前政策是失败的 。
2. draw a contrast with 和……作对比
They draw a contrast with the outgoing secretary, Hillary Clinton, a study in cautious discipline.
他们就严谨自律对克里与即将离职的国务卿希拉里做了一个对比研究 。
3. smooth over 化解
He managed to smooth over the bad feelings between his wife and daughter.
他设法化解了妻子和女儿之间的芥蒂 。
4. be eager to do sth. 急切地
His thin long nose ran out as if it was eager to bore into the nature of things in general.
他的细长的鼻子直往前钻,仿佛世界上的事情他都要钻个透似的 。