Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, whose campaign manager on Friday
released a memo stating he would have to drop out of the race
if he failed to raise $1.7 million before the end of September, remarked that “this is not a partisan issue.”
届时就只能退出选举——对此表示,“这不是党派问题 。”
He and former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas reiterated their calls for Mr. Trump to be impeached.
他与德克萨斯州前众议员贝托·奥罗克二人再次呼吁弹劾特朗普 。
Even if Mr. Biden’s primary competitors don’t take direct aim,
the perception of Mr. Biden’s son leveraging his connections cuts a stark contrast with two leading rivals,
Ms. Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders, who have centered their candidacies around a fierce populist message of rooting out corruption in Washington.
参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦和伯尼·桑德斯之间划了一条鲜明的分界线,而二者竞选的核心主题就是根除华盛顿政坛的腐败作风这一极其民粹主义的理念 。
It’s a message that worked in 2016 for Mr. Trump,
who cast Ms. Clinton as the avatar of establishment self-dealing,
a past-her-prime creature of Washington unable to adjust to the times and to produce real change.
一个已经日薄西山,无法适应时代变化,带来真正的变革的华盛顿政客的代表 。
Mr. Biden’s team is acutely aware of that comparison.
拜登团队敏锐地察觉到了这一差别 。
After Mr. Biden initially gave only a meager retort on the Ukraine issue Friday, his campaign decided to go further.
周五,拜登就乌克兰问题只做出了轻微的反驳,之后,他的竞选团队决定加大反驳力度 。
Sensing an opportunity to highlight Mr. Trump’s fixation with Mr. Biden,
his campaign released a statement in his name,
condemning the president for “abhorrent” conduct and demanding Mr. Trump release the transcript of his call with the Ukrainian leader
and allow the director of national intelligence to release the whistle-blower’s claims to Congress.
还要求特朗普允许国家情报总监向国会公布举报人的声明 。
Advisers to Mr. Biden said his initial reluctance to comment reflected his prudence
about discussing sensitive national security matters rather than unease with the work of his son in Ukraine.
而非对他儿子在乌克兰工作感到不安 。
But the former vice president is highly sensitive about questions regarding his family,
and it was not until several outlets reported on what Mr. Trump said in the phone call last month
that the Biden campaign determined it should try to go on the offensive.
拜登的竞选团队才决定应该继续向特朗普进攻 。
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1.drop out of sth. 退出;
David was to drop out of school. I'm trying to talk him out of it.
大卫想退学,我正在努力劝他不要这样做 。
2.stark contrast 鲜明的对比
Both his eyes and hair were jet black, a stark contrast to his uniform.
他的眼睛和头发都是那么乌黑发亮,和他的制服形成了鲜明的对比 。
3.root out 根除
Two months ago, the Vatican instructed bishops that they must make it a global priority to root out sexual abuse of children by priests.
两个月前,梵蒂冈向主教们发出指令,必须将根除神父虐童现象作为全球的主要工作 。
4.the avatar of ……的代表/化身
Jesus has often been referred to by classic theologians as "the avatar of God."
耶稣经常被传统神学家视为“上帝的化身 。”