日期:2019-03-22 12:54


Out to sea at anchor rode Salladhor Saan's great Valyrian amongst the striped hulls of two dozen smaller Lysene galleys.
A weathered little inn sat on the end of the stone pier where Black Betha, Wraith, and Lady Marya shared mooring space with a half-dozen other galleys of one hundred oars or less. Davos had a thirst. He took his leave of his sons and turned his steps toward the inn. Out front squatted a waist-high gargoyle, so eroded by rain and salt that his features were all but obliterated. He and Davos were old friends, though. He gave a pat to the stone head as he went in. "Luck," he murmured.

Across the noisy common room, Salladhor Saan sat eating grapes from a wooden bowl. When he spied Davos, he beckoned him closer. "Ser knight, come sit with me. Eat a grape. Eat two. They are marvelously sweet." The Lyseni was a sleek, smiling man whose flamboyance was a byword on both sides of the narrow sea. Today he wore flashing cloth-of-silver, with dagged sleeves so long the ends of them pooled on the floor. His buttons were carved jade monkeys, and atop his wispy white curls perched a jaunty green cap decorated with a fan of peacock feathers.

  • anchorn. 锚,锚状物,依靠,新闻节目主播,压阵队员 v. 停
  • knightn. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位
  • flamboyancen. 艳丽,浮夸,炫耀
  • gargoylen. 滴水嘴,奇形怪状的人
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • jauntyadj. 轻松活泼的,整洁的,时髦的,有教养的