But they also show what looks like a glimmer of hope for integration: cities are remarkably diverse during the work day.
但这些变化也显示了种族融合还是有希望的:工作日城市的人种还是非常多样化的 。
This got researchers interested in looking closer at what's at work.
这也让研究人员对到底是什么在起作用有了深入研究的兴趣 。
Let's look at how segregation has changed in recent year.
我们先看看近年来种族隔离问题都发生了怎样的变化 。
From 2000 to 2010, residential segregation between black and white people got slightly better.
从2000年到2010年,黑人和白人之间的居住隔离问题有了轻微的改善 。
For the most part, segregation just mostly plateaued for all racial groups.
就大多数情况而言,所有种族群体的种族隔离问题基本持平 。
But when researchers looked at how segregation changed during the day, when we're at work,
they found that segregation increased slightly across all racial groups.
他们发现,各个种族的种族隔离问题都略有加重 。
When we zoom in some more to the company level, we can see a bit more of what's actually happening.
进一步放大到公司层面可以看到更多实际发生的问题 。
Researchers at Stanford and Harvard found, within a company, segregation levels have gone down very little.
斯坦福大学和哈佛大学的研究人员发现,在一家公司内部,种族隔离问题几乎没怎么缓解 。
In other words, we're exposed to about as much diversity now as we were a generation ago.
换句话说,现在职场人种的多样性和上一代人其实是差不多的 。
But there are a lot more people of color now than there were in 1980.
但现在职场上有色人种的数量是比1980年时多得多的 。
So what's going on?
Well, they aren't being more represented at these white-majority companies, which would look like this.
原来,有色人种员工在这些白人占主体的公司中的代表率并没有得到提高,就像这样 。
Rather, they are getting opportunities at companies that are mostly non-white, over here.
相反,他们在这边的非白人公司获得了更多的机会 。
So this means that, when we look at this from a company level,
segregation has actually gotten worse than a generation ago.
结果是现在的种族隔离问题比上一代人时的更严重了 。
Of course, some places are pretty diverse.
当然,人种多样化的公司也还是有的 。
So researchers looked at what kinds of places actually have less segregation during the day.
所以,研究人员也对哪些地方白天的种族隔离问题更轻的问题进行了研究 。
But they found that, if a place is diverse during the daytime,
it's likely not because people of all races are working alongside each other.
很可能不是因为所有种族的人都在一起工作 。
Rather, it's likely because most of the higher status workers, like managers, are white.
相反,可能是因为大多数职位较高的员工,比如经理,都是白人 。
and the lower-status workers, like janitors, are people of color.
而门卫之类职位较低的员工是有色人种的缘故 。
American policies engineered our segregated homes.
民众家庭的隔离问题是我们国家的政策造成的 。
But work — where we spend most of our time?
Many thought that could be a space where we form meaningful relationships with people of other racial backgrounds.
很多人都觉得这是我们与其他种族背景的人建立重要关系的地方 。
That hasn't quite happened.
但事实往往并非如此 。
And we can see it in the most personal parts of our lives.
从我们生活中最私密的部分也能看出这一点 。
In 2014, the Public Religion Research Institute asked Americans
to list the people with whom they “discussed important matters” in the past six months.
列出过去6个月里他们与其“讨论过重要问题”的人的名单 。
In other words, our friends.
换句话说,也就是我们的朋友名单 。
Most Hispanic people had friends of other races.
大多数西班牙人都有其他种族的朋友 。
About one in three black people did, too.
大约三分之一的黑人也是如此 。
But 75 percent of white people only had white friends.
但75%的白人只有白人朋友 。
In short, we may be exposed to diverse spaces, but we still live very segregated lives.
简而言之,可能我们虽然已经身处一个人种多样性的环境里,但还是过着非常隔离的生活 。
"But the whole trouble with this integration business is
that in the end it probably will end up with mixing, socially. And will..."