So math in some ways is like baking.
其实,学数学和做烘焙是一个道理 。
And math used to be taught as a recipe, as a series of steps you do, and then you get a result.
过去,人们像教食谱一样,按照一系列的步骤操作然后得出结果来教数学 。
And what you understand if you’re a cook or a baker is that you add things in certain proportions for a reason.
如果你是厨师或糕点师,那你肯定知道每种配料各加多少都是有原因的 。
And that, you know, your cake has to have this percentage of fats to this percentage of flour in order to work.
知道得放入这么多的油,这么多的面粉,蛋糕才能做成功 。
And what Common Core tries to do is to do the same thing with math.
而大学前教学大纲里数学要教大家的也是这个道理 。
Sort of developing what they call "number sense,"
and number sense is understanding more or less why we do the things we do.
而数字感就是用来帮助我们多多少少理解我们的行为的 。
Common Core is taught in a way that most people over 20 don’t recognize.
二十岁以上的人,大部分都已经不记得大学前的教学大纲是怎么教的了 。
"We find ourselves tearing out our hair at the new math."
“现在的那些数学题拿过来我们就只有咬笔杆儿的份儿 。”
"It’s the same thing I do when I get a check at a restaurant: Draw a bunch of shapes and tell the waitress to find my error."
"Parents taking to twitter, posting unbelievably complicated homework assignments."
“家长们已经转向推特上的网友求助了,他们上传的那些个作业简直是难到家了 。”
These math problems circulate that just seem really nonsensical, which is really frustrating.
这些数学题就在网上被大家传来传去,而那些题看上去似乎实在荒谬 。这一点让人十分不爽 。
If you have a kid who has this simple problem that looks like it’s being made way too complex for no reason,
因为你要是有孩子,而你的孩子被布置的作业明明很简单,但看上去却无缘无故地难得不行的话,就会有这种感觉 。
It’s totally understandable why people would say: oh, no no no no.
所以,人们会对作业说,“不不不不”完全是合情合理的 。
This recipe that I learned is the quick and easy way to do it. Why aren’t they just teaching kids to do that?
So for example, we all learned to borrow when we subtracted, but this doesn’t really show you what you’re doing.
举个例子,做减法的时候我们都学过借位,但这种做法并不能很好地告诉你这其中的原理 。
It doesn’t really show you what borrowing is.
也无法告诉你到底什么是借位 。
And so one of the ways the Common Core tries to explain this is with a number line.
所以,教学大纲用了数字线等方法来解释这个过程 。
Because subtraction is really about finding the distance between two numbers.
因为减法本质上是求两个数字之间的距离 。
You start with the number you’re subtracting and you take little hops up to a more round number.
我们从减数开始,做一些小的跳跃跳到整数 。
So you go 10 between 90 and 100.
所以90和100之间是增加了10 。
So you’ve sort of broken down the distance and you add these numbers together.
也就是说,我们要先把整个线段打散,然后再把所有的数字加起来 。
There’s another method called the counting up method, and this is also for subtraction.
还有一种计算方法,叫“往上加”,同样适用于减法 。
Count up from 38 to 40.
从38数到40 。
Then from 40 you want to go up to the next big round number, which is 100.
接着从40跳到下一个大的整数,也就是100 。
Then you need to go from 100 to 300.
接下来从100跳到300 。
And then from 300 to 325.
再从300跳到325 。
So that’s the distance between 38 and 325 are these numbers that i’ve circled.
所以,38和325之间的距离就是我圈出来的这些数字的总和 。
You get this idea in your head that numbers are flexible things made up of other numbers. 40 is a 38 and a 2
这样,你的脑海中就会留下一个印象:一个数字是由其他数字组成的一个灵活的东西 。比如,40就是38和2的和 。
The standard algorithm is the easy and quick way to do it.
标准算法简单快捷 。
Students absolutely still have to learn to do it that way.
学生们无疑还得学着用那种方法计算 。
But the idea is that this gives them a better understanding of what they’re doing.
但我想说的是,我介绍的这种算法能够让孩子们更好地理解答案到底是怎么来的 。
And that there are a lot of ways to do this.
而且,我们可以采取的算法其实很多 。
There isn’t just one right way to find the solution to a math problem.
正确解决数学问题的方法并非只有一种 。
You read through the standards and they seem like really reasonable, good ideas.
仔细阅读标准运算时,你会觉得那些解释看起来都是非常合理的好主意 。
The most important thing is how they’re taught.
最重要的是老师们是怎么教那些知识点的 。
Teachers understanding what’s expected of them, having the resources to teach it well.
了解学生需求的老师才有资源将学生们较好 。
Because otherwise you do end up with math problems that don’t seem to make any sense at all.
因为否则,你的确会遇到看似没有任何意义的数学问题 。
And in some cases that’s just the parents not understanding it.
有时候,不理解问题所在的的确是父母 。
But it some cases it probably is a bad lesson plan, a bad textbook, a teacher who doesn't quite understand what they’re supposed to do differently now.
但有的时候,问题也可能出在糟糕的课程安排,糟糕的教科书,不清楚自己应该如何用不一样的方式来授课的老师那里 。
There are definitely bumps in the road.
但无论如何,学习数学都不是一帆风顺的事情 。