"So we typically think of public and private as being opposites.
“换句话说,我们通常都以为公开和私密是相对的 。
But is there such a thing as having privacy when we're in public?"
"I would like to think so."
“我希望有 。”
Evan Selinger is a professor of philosophy who argues that facial recognition is a threat to "obscurity,"
Which is the idea that personal information is safer when it is hard to obtain or understand.
该权利主张的是个人信息在难以获取或难以理解时才更安全 。
"So We have natural sort of limitations in what we can perceive and what we can hear.
“我们能感知,能听到的信息范围都有天然的局限性 。
Even the human mind has a sort of basic limits in how much information it can store.
即便是人类的大脑,其能处理的信息量也是有限的 。
So one of the things that technologies do is they reduce the transaction costs of being able to find information,
being able to store information, being able to share information, and being able to correctly interpret information.
储存信息,分享信息以及正确解读信息的成本 。
And so facial recognition is probably the most obscurity-eviscerating technology ever invented."
所以,人脸识别可能是有史以来对我们的不具名权利威胁最大的一项技术发明 。”
We don’t have to imagine how this could play out.
我们根本无需想象这种技术会带来怎样的后果 。
It’s already happening with photos from the Russian social media network VK.
因为俄罗斯社交媒体网络VK上的照片就已经回答了这一问题 。
Aric Toler, a journalist who covers Europe for Bellingcat,
showed me how it works with a random video of Russian soccer fans picking fights in Poland.
向我展示了VK是如何利用随便一段俄罗斯球迷在波兰打架的视频反向搜索出那些球迷的身份信息的 。
"There's about 10 or so of these soccer hooligans in this video and for every single one of them you can find their profiles on VK.
“视频中有差不多10个足球流氓,你能在VK上找到他们所有人的资料 。
OK I'll get this guy in the background.
嗯,就拿后面这哥们儿举例吧 。
Let me save him.
我们先截图保存一下 。
OK so here's the first result. This guy.
好了,这是搜出来的第一个结果 。就是他 。
So if you click the photo here it will take you directly to the photo's link.
你点一下这儿的照片,就会跳转到照片的源网页 。
And here he is.
找到了 。
I think he's wearing I think he's wearing the same shirt.
他穿的应该还是那件T恤 。
Yeah he's wearing the same shirt even.
没错,就是那件 。
This is him too.
这个也是他 。
So this is probably like his buddy who uploaded a photo. Yeah.
这张照片可能是他兄弟上传的 。嗯 。
So this is this guy's profile and here's his buddy right here.
这应该是他,这个是他哥们儿 。
Yeah so here he is during a baptism, probably."
这张可能是他在参加一场受洗仪式 。”
"And the photo you uploaded is not like particularly clear or high resolution."
“就算你上传的照片不是特别清晰或分辨率不是特别高也可以是嘛 。”
"No, 'not at all, right, it's just a 200 by 100.
不用,完全不用,这个也就是200×100的分辨率 。
So it's kind of, it does feel weird when you do this and you have access to way more information than you should, is what it feels like.
所以当你这么做所获取的信息远比你应该获取的多得多的时候,就会让人觉得有点儿,有点儿诡异,就是这种感觉你知道嘛 。
But also we only publish what we’re like one thousand percent sure of and if possible we maybe don't include the names of the people."
而且,我们举的还只是我们有十足的信心的例子,可能的话,我们可能不会公开他们的名字 。”
How you feel about this technology probably depends on how much you sympathize with the person being identified.
你对这项技术的看法可能取决于你对被识别的人存有多大的同情 。
Bellingcat has used these tools to identify people linked to the attack on flight MH17 in Eastern Ukraine.
贝林卡特利用这类工具找到了与发生在乌克兰东部的MH17航班袭击事件有关的人 。
It’s also been used to dox police officers accused of brutality, anti-corruption activists protesting against Vladimir Putin,
random strangers as part of an art project, and sex workers, porn performers, and others who have posted anonymous photos online.
"The way that we share our images and our names on social media, LinkedIn Twitter, Instagram,
it seems to suggest that we don't want to be obscure or we're not really looking to be anonymous.
我们似乎并不想低调,或者说,我们并不是真的想‘隐姓埋名’ 。
Are we allowed to want to share and connect with other people online
and still be able to expect not to be recognized when we're offline in our regular lives?"
"I would say absolutely.
“我得说,必须有 。
In fact I would go further and say if we ever create a society where that's not a reasonable expectation,
a lot of the things that are fundamental to being a human being are really going to be compromised.
那么,我们作为人类的很多基本需求都会得不到满足 。
Having any individuality requires experimenting in life and experimenting requires the protections of some obscurity.
拥有任何个人空间都是需要在生活中不断试验的,而试验就需要对一定程度的“不具名”权利进行保护 。
But also intimacy requires obscurity. Right.
而且,亲密也是需要这种权利的对吧 。
If you want to be able to share different parts of your life with different people, and I think most of us do right?
We don't want to come into work and behave the same way we do with our friends.
We don't want to treat our partners in the same way we do acquaintances.
像对待普通朋友一样对待我们的伴侣吧 。
And the concern, when you lose too much obscurity,
is that these domains bleed into one another and create what's called context collapse.
这些区间就会相互渗透,造成所谓的“语境崩塌” 。
And it doesn't mean that one is more real or one is more authentic.
这并不代表一个区间就比另一个真实,比另一个可靠什么的 。
Leading a rich life requires us to be able to express ourselves in these diverse ways."
只不过,要过丰富多彩的生活,我们就需要拥有用不同的方式表达我们自己的能力 。”
The photos we took to share with friends, or document history, or simply get a government ID
have been used to build and operate a technology that strips away the protections that obscurity has always provided us.
都被用来搭建、经营一项剥离了“不具名”权利一直以来赋予我们的保护色的技术了 。
It’s nothing less than a massive bait-and-switch.
这种做法无异于大型的偷梁换柱式诱导营销行径 。
One that could change the meaning of the human face forever.
还是一场或将彻底改变人脸意义的诱销行径 。