You're watching BBC World News. I'm David Eads, these are the headlines.
Pakistan is set to return a captured fighter pilot in the next few hours in what's being billed as a peace gesture.
巴基斯坦预计将在几小时内归还被捕的战斗机飞行员 作为外界宣称的和平姿态
It follows days of rising tensions involving the territory of Kashmir which both nations claim to be their own.
此前几天 两国因克什米尔地区的归属权导致关系越来越紧张
The United States has offered a 1 million dollar reward for the capture of Osama Bin Laden's son Hamza.
美国出价100万美元 悬赏捉拿奥萨马·本·拉登的儿子哈姆扎
He's thought to be a key leader now of the Islamist militant group al Qaeda.
South Korea's president says meaningful progress was made at a summit between Donald Trump and the North Korean leader in spite of their failure to reach any deal.
韩国总统称虽然未能达成协议 但唐纳德·特朗普与朝鲜领导人的峰会取得了有意义的进展
And those are the headlines.