All right. I want to tell all of you about a game that you can play.
好 我想给大家介绍一款游戏
It's my "Road to Riches Slots" app.
You can collect rewards in the app and earn free credits by completing daily chain challenges.
在这款软件中 你可以收集奖励 并且通过完成日常挑战 获得免费积分
Right now, we're going to play a game called "Keep Rolling Down the Road to Riches."
现在 我们要玩个游戏 叫做“向致富之路出发吧”
Amanda Walker, come on down.
Amanda Walker 快到台上来
Hi Amanda! How are you? How's it going?
嗨 Amanda 你好吗?怎么样?
I'm going to cry. OK. Go ahead. OK. Here I go.
我要哭了 哦 哭吧 好 好吧
All right, here's what we're going to do.
好 是这样
I'm going to give you a chance to roll all five of these die with my head on it, at once, not one at a time.
我给你个机会 投掷带有我头像的五个骰子 一次性全扔下去 而不是一次一个
And every time it lands with my head face up, it's going to go over there.
只要落地时是我的头像朝上 它就会被拿到那边
tWitch will fill it in.
You want to fill up the entire slots to get, you know, jackpot, OK?
你的目标是把所有槽都填满 赢得大奖 好吧?
OK. OK. All right. Here we go. Gather them up. Right now. Yep.
好 好 好 来吧 全部拿起来 现在吗 对
Oh, we have to mic you. Wait.
哦 得给你个麦 等一下
Put them down. Don't gather them up.
放下 别拿了
Like I said, hold on. Yeah. Yeah. She doesn't work here.
稍等一下 嗯 嗯 她不是我的员工
All right. So gather them up. OK. All right.
好 把骰子拿起来 好 好
However you want to stack them, side by side, or together, or however you want to do it.
不管你怎么放 两摞或者一摞 随便你
You're going to throw all five at once and hope that they land as many Ellen's heads up.
你要一次把五个全扔了 尽可能多地让艾伦的头像朝上
OK. All right? Oh. Two. Well, yes, two. All right, Twitch.
好 好吧?哦 两个 对 两个 好 推奇
Thank you, Twitch. Now, we'll take these three, because you have three tries.
谢谢 推奇 现在把这三个拿起来 因为你有三次机会
Did I mention that? No. OK. Three tries.
我刚才说了嘛?没有 好 三次机会
So it's really important that you get them on the next-- at least two.
OK. Yeah, however you want to do it.
好 嗯 随便你怎么扔
Yeah. One. All right. All right.
耶 一个 好 好
All right. Now, you're not going to hit the jackpot unless you fill them all up.
好 除非你把所有的槽都填满 否则就得不到大奖了
So you want to get them-- on this is the last try.
所以你得 这是最后一次机会了
So all right. Ready?
好 准备?
One, one, one, . It's OK.
一个 一个 一个 没关系
You really-- you tried to cheat, but it didn't-- Yeah.
你真的 你本来想讨个巧的 但没有 对
All right, I'm going to let you have one more try.
好 我再给你一次机会
You did it. All right. Yes! OK. All right.
你成功了 好 耶!好 好
So that is a jackpot.
Let's see what's under there for you to win, Amanda. $15,000!
我们来看看你赢到了什么 15000美元
$15,000. What? $15,000. You won! What!
15000美元 什么 15000美元 你赢了 什么情况!
Woo. All right.
哇 好
That's wonderful. All right.
太棒了 好
You can have this much fun playing my "Road to Riches Slots" app.
You can play it on Facebook or download it in the App Store or Google Play during this commercial break.
大家可以在脸书上玩 或者在插播广告时 去App Store或Google Play上下载
We'll be right back.