The Pacific Northwest is digging out from unusually heavy snowfall after a winter storm battered the region over the weekend.
上周末,太平洋西北地区遭暴风雪袭击,降雪强度很大 。
In Tacoma, several hundred residents organized a mass snowball fight.
在塔科马,数百民众组织打大型雪仗 。
Nearby Seattle has been blanketed in more than 14 inches of snow this month, making it the snowiest February there on record.
在临近的西雅图,本月降雪超14英寸,创造了二月份降雪最多的记录 。
Washington's Governor Jay Inslee raised concerns about the homeless population, after at least one person died of exposure.
华盛顿州长杰伊·英斯利对无家可归者表示担忧,此前至少一人因暴风雪死亡 。
We don't have a system to handle this problem in the state.
目前该州没有处理这一问题的系统 。
It kind of drives me nuts. When a state that has these enormous pockets of wealth,
to have a system where we can take care of homeless people and they're not dying of exposure,
有可以照料无家可归者的系统,那么他们就不会因此死亡 。
I hope that's a lesson we take from this snowstorm this year.
我希望可以从今年的暴风雪中吸取教训 。
The National Weather Service said that Seattle has received as much snow in one day as the city usually gets in an entire year.
国家气象局称西雅图一天降雪量达到了该城市全年总量 。
A new winter storm is now bearing down on the region and it could dump several more inches of snow.
新一轮暴风雪正在逼近该城市,预计将迎来更多降雪 。
In Iran, tens of thousands of people rallied on the streets of Tehran today to mark the 40th anniversary of that country's Islamic Revolution.
在伊朗德黑兰,数万民众聚集在街头纪念伊斯兰革命40周年 。
Crowds celebrated in the snow, waving flags, and carrying pictures of Ayatollah Khomeini, who came to power after ousting the U.S.-backed shah in 1979.
民众在大雪中庆祝,挥舞旗帜,手举霍梅尼照片,1979年,他在推翻美支持的伊朗王后上台 。
The revolution turned the tides of U.S. relations with Iran from allies to stark rivals.
这场革命将美伊关系从盟友变成了仇敌 。
U.S.-led coalition warplanes in Syria struck the country's last Islamic State stronghold in the eastern part of the country.
在叙利亚东部,美主导盟军战机袭击了IS在叙的最后一处大本营 。
That triggered fierce fighting between U.S.-backed Syrian forces and ISIS in the Baghouz region near the Iraqi border.
在伊拉克边境的巴古斯地区,美支持的叙利亚部队和ISIS也因此产生了激烈对抗 。
The head of the Syrian Democratic Forces' media office reported that some 1,500 civilians were forced to flee.
叙利亚民主力量媒体办公室主任报道称,约1500名市民被迫撤离 。
Back in this country, there's word cigarette smoking rates among young Americans have stopped falling.
国内方面,有消息称美国年轻人吸烟率停止下降 。
New data out today from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the popularity of e-cigarettes was most likely to blame.
疾控中心今天公布的数据表明,电子烟的流行或许是原因 。
Over the last year, the number of high school students using tobacco products increased by around 38 percent.
过去一年,高中生使用烟草类产品的数量增加了大约38% 。
And nearly 21 percent of high school students, roughly three million, admitted to vaping in 2018.
2018年,近21%的高中生,近300万人承认使用电子烟 。
That's up from 12 percent the previous year.
这比2017年增加了12% 。