At 6:45 in the morning of November 3, 1984,
a man walked into a police station on the North side of Milwaukee
to report that he'd found what appeared to be a body, lying in a lot near his home.
报告说他在他家附近的空地上发现了一具尸体 。
That's where police discovered 63-year-old Ione Cychosz, wearing only "a pair of white socks and a left shoe."
就在那里,警察找到了63岁的艾昂·赛查斯的尸体,她全身只穿着“一双白袜子和左脚的鞋子” 。
Her blue shirt and bra were pulled up behind her head, which was bloody and swollen.
她的蓝色衬衫和胸罩被拉到脑后,而她的头部又红又肿 。
She'd been beaten to death and possibly raped.
她是被殴打致死的,可能还被强奸过 。
Neighbors described the victim as "a nice woman."
邻居们形容受害者是“一个好女人” 。
She was known for collecting aluminum cans and playing bingo at a Ukrainian church on Friday nights.
大家都知道她平时收集铝罐为生,周五晚上会去乌克兰教堂玩宾果游戏 。
That's what she'd been doing the night she was killed.
这也正是她被杀那晚的行踪 。
"And she was let off after midnight by friends who normally dropped her off after the bingo games.
午夜过后,她下了朋友的车,他们经常都会在玩完宾果游戏后捎她一段 。
They observed her walk in front of her home and those are the last people who saw her alive. "
他们看着她走到了家门口,而他们也成了她生前最后一次看到她的人 。
One of the real challenging things about this case among many was you had no eyewitnesses.
这个案子最棘手的问题在于案发时没有目击证人 。
You of course had no confession. You had no motive.
忏悔,犯罪动机什么的当然也就没有了 。
This was before DNA profiling, before home security cameras were common, there were no fingerprints on the knife they found nearby.
这个案子发生的时候还没有DNA技术,家用摄像头也还没有普及,警方在现场附近找到的刀上也没有指纹 。
But the killer did leave one clue: He bit her.
但是凶手还是留下了一条线索:他咬过她 。
Investigators took 60 photographs of numerous bite marks.
“调查人员拍了60张无数咬痕的照片 。”
The bite marks are being analyzed by a forensic dental specialist.
法医牙科专家正在对咬痕进行分析 。
Dr. L. Thomas Johnson, a dentist and professor at Marquette University, examined the bite marks on the victim the day she was found.
马凯特大学教授、牙医托马斯·约翰逊在受害者被发现的那天检查过她身上的咬痕 。
And he gave the cops a lead.
之后给了警察一条线索 。
He told the detectives look you are looking for a guy with an abnormality in one of his upper teeth.
他告诉探员,你们要找一个上牙有异常的人 。
So the cops began knocking on doors.
于是警察开始挨家挨户地敲门 。
Three days after the murder, the detectives knocked on the door of Robert Lee Stinson,
a quiet 20-year-old whose only criminal record was a fine for shoplifting when he was younger.
这是一个言语不多的20岁小伙子,他唯一的犯罪记录就是之前因为入店行窃被罚过款 。
He lived with his mother and siblings in a house right by the crime scene.
他与他母亲以及几个兄弟姐妹就住在犯罪现场附近的一所房子里 。
Stinson told the police that on the night of the murder,
he came home from a party around 11:30, went to bed, and slept until morning.
他11点半左右才参加完一个聚会回到家,之后就上床睡觉了,一直睡到了早上 。
But what caught the attention of the police was that Stinson had "an upper right front tooth missing."
但引起警方注意的,是斯廷森“右上方门牙没了” 。
That missing tooth made one of the detectives believe they "got the guy".
就是这颗没了的牙齿让其中一名侦探相信,他们“已经找到凶手了” 。
His partner later told the Milwaukee Sentinel
that they went back inside and told Stinson some jokes to get him laughing, to confirm that there were those teeth.
他们回到屋里给斯廷森讲了几个笑话逗他笑,以便确认就是那就是他们要找的牙齿 。
So the state had Stinson appear at a secret hearing before a judge — called a "John Doe investigation" in Wisconsin —
where they could have Johnson, the dentist, check his teeth.
这样他们就可以让牙医约翰逊检查他的牙齿 。
The John Doe was the first time that I met Mr. Stinson,
but I'm looking at this kid who is very warm, very affable, very cooperative.
但是我看到的是一个非常热情,非常和蔼,非常配合的孩子 。
Everything in my gut, my experience, six years in the DAs office in the sensitive Crimes Unit. No way.
我所有的直觉,所有的经历,以及在敏感犯罪部门6年的工作经验都告诉我 。不可能是他 。
No way did this guy do this.
这个小伙子不可能会做出这种事 。
He thought they would eliminate Stinson as a suspect.
他以为他们会排除斯廷森的嫌疑 。
But that's not what happened.
但事实并非如此 。
Johnson looked into Stinson's mouth for 20 seconds,
the same amount of time it takes to read this:
And then Johnson said Stinson's teeth matched a sketch that he and a police artist had made —
a sketch of what the suspect's teeth would look like based on the bite marks.
根据咬痕画出的嫌疑犯牙齿的草图——是匹配的 。
Nobody brought the drawing to the hearing, but Johnson said "it resembles what I see here."
当时并没有人把画带到听证会上去,但约翰逊说:“和我在这里看到的很像 。”
Stinson's mouth, he said, "certainly is consistent with what I drew. It is remarkable."
斯廷森的嘴,他说,“和我画的完全一致 。太不可思议了 。”
And that was enough for the court to order a full dental examination.
他的这一判断足以让法院下令对斯廷森进行全面的牙科检查了 。
But if they'd had the sketch in the room,
they would have seen that it said the suspect would be missing a lateral incisor.
他们就会看到上面说嫌疑人可能缺了一个侧门牙 。
Stinson was missing a central incisor, his right front tooth.
斯廷森的右门牙缺的是一颗中门牙 。
But now the dentist was on the record saying that they matched.
但现在牙医公开宣称了两者是匹配的 。