With a few seconds to go in the women’s 800 meters, the group of athletes was tightly packed.
女子800米还有几秒就要开跑了,运动员们已经比肩继踵 。
Then on the final straightaway, Caster Semenya broke away, to win gold in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
接着,在最后冲刺的直道上,卡斯特尔·塞门亚重出重围,一举夺得了2016年里约热内卢奥运会的金牌 。
Three years later, the South African runner was at a court appealing a ban that could keep her from defending her title at the next Olympics.
三年后,这位南非运动员出现在了法庭上,她要对一项禁令提出上诉,因为该禁令,她或将与在下届奥运会上卫冕的机会擦肩而过 。
She wasn’t being banned because she cheated, but because sports officials had decided that she no longer qualified as a female athlete.
她被禁赛并非因为她做了弊,而是因为国际田联判定,她已不具备作为女运动员参赛的资格 。
"So effectively you’re saying to her: you no longer belong in sport!"
"I cannot stop because of people say, ‘Nooo! She looks like a man!’ "
“我不能因为别人说,‘不行!她长得跟个男人似的!’就不跑了吧 。”
"Is the new world champion of the women’s 800 meter race, really a woman at all?”
"There is no, you know, scientific, you know, test or anything that can define a human."
“没有任何科学测试或其他手段能对人下判定 。”
"there will be two X chromosomes."
“将会有两条X染色体 。”
"We have drawn the line between women’s and men’s sport."
“我们在男子项目和女子项目之间是画了分界线的 。”
"Being who we are so that we can be the best that we can be."
“做我们自己,我们才能做到最好 。”
"Such allegations, if I may say, they are not my business. You understand? So for me, they do their job.
“这些指控,恕我直言,不关我的事 。明白吗?对我来说,他们做他们的工作 。
I do my job. I do me. They do them.
我做我的工作 。我做我自己 。他们做他们自己 。”
From the start, Semenya’s career has been defined by two things.
从一开始,塞门亚的职业生涯就被打上了两个烙印 。
"Brilliant run for the South African!"
winning races and defending her identity as a female athlete.
一是赢得比赛,二是捍卫她作为一名女运动员的身份 。
"and she’s breaking away!"
Back in 2009, she won the 800 meter world championship.
早在2009年,她就赢得了女子800米的世界冠军 。
Semenya looks over her shoulder and she’s away!
But soon after her victory, sports authorities began questioning whether she was, in fact, a woman.
但在她获胜后不久,国际田联就开始质疑她的女性身份了 。
"well that smashes the world list!"
"They are looking for proof that South Africa’s golden girl is not a boy."
“他们正在寻找证据,证明南非的金牌女孩儿不是个男孩儿 。”
"There is doubt about the fact that this person is a lady is a woman."
“关于这个人是不是一位女士,是不是一位女性存在一些疑问 。”
In South Africa her win was celebrated.
在南非,人们庆祝她的胜利 。
"She is a female. She won!"
“她是一位女性 。她赢了!”
But the top governing body for athletics, The IAAF, selected Semenya for testing to determine whether she is female.
然而,管理赛事的最高机构——国际田联要求对塞门亚进行测试,确定她是否是女性 。
Most recently, their criteria for female competitors has been testosterone: a hormone produced by both men and women.
最近,他们对女性运动员进行判定的标准是睾酮:一种男性和女性都会分泌的激素 。
Semenya has naturally high levels of testosterone
and the IAAF claims that there is a significant connection between high testosterone and athletic performance.
国际田联声称,高睾酮水平和运动员的表现之间有着显著的联系 。
But it's more complicated than that.
但实际情况要复杂得多 。
"Testosterone is related to lean body mass and building of muscle.
“睾酮和体态苗条及肌肉增长有关 。
But it's not the only thing that contributes to that."
但并不是唯一的影响因素 。”
This is Katrina Karkazis, is a bioethicist who advocates on behalf of athletes like Semenya.
这位是卡特里娜·卡尔卡齐斯,专门声援塞门亚这样的运动员的一名生物伦理学家 。
Testosterone is not the only factor that is important for an individual's athletic performance.
睾酮并不是影响一个人运动成绩的唯一因素 。
There are not only other physiological factors: that could be V02 max, heart size, any number of things.
But there are factors that don’t have to do with someone’s physiology.
Factors like nutrition, coaching, and equipment all play into an athlete’s performance.
比如营养、教练和装备等因素都会影响运动员的表现 。
So it’s unclear how testosterone can be singled out as the defining factor.
不清楚他们为什么偏偏挑出睾酮作为唯一的判定因素 。
But there’s another way to think about eliminating female athletes based on testosterone.
但我们还可以从另一个角度来考虑以睾丸激素为由淘汰女运动员这一问题 。
Like many Olympians, Semenya’s body has natural advantages that can help her perform.
和许多奥运选手一样,塞门亚的身体也具有能够帮助她发挥的天然优势 。
"Michael Phelps stands 6' 4."
“迈克尔·菲尔普斯身高6英尺4英寸(1.93米)” 。
For swimmer Michael Phelps, it was a long torso, wide feet, and other features glorified in Olympic promos.
就拿游泳运动员迈克尔·菲尔普斯来说,他的天然优势就是四肢很长、脚掌很宽以及其他在奥运宣传片中被美化了的特征 。
"his size 14 feet might as well be flippers!"
But unlike Phelps, Semenya is being penalized for a naturally occurring hormone.
但和菲尔普斯不同的是,一种自然产生的激素反到让赛门亚受到了惩罚 。
That’s because sports officials don’t divide athletics by the size of your hand, or your foot, but they do draw a line between men and women.
这是因为田联不会用手脚大小来区分运动员,但他们还是在男性和女性之间划了一条线 。
The problem is, the criteria that’s used to draw that line and it’s always been problematic.
问题是用来画这条线的标准一直都有问题 。
Charlotte Cooper won gold in 1900, the first year women were included at the Olympics.
夏洛特·库珀在1900年奥运会上也夺得了金牌,那也是第一次有女性参加的奥运会 。
Since then, more and more women have competed and stood on Olympic podiums.
从那以后,参加奥运会的女性越来越多,登上领奖台的女性也越来越多 。
But by the 1960s, officials became skeptical that successful female athletes might actually be men disguised as women.
但到上世纪60年代,官员们便开始怀疑,成功的女运动员可能是男性伪装成的女性 。
Polish sprinter Ewa Klobukowska, for example, had won bronze running the women’s 100 meters at the 1964 Olympics.
例如,波兰短跑运动员埃娃·克洛布科夫斯卡曾在1964年奥运会上拿下了女子100米短跑的铜牌 。
A few years later, officials made sex testing mandatory for female athletes at the 1966 European Track and Field Championships
and Klobukowska was forced to undergo inspection.
克洛布科夫斯卡也被迫接受了检查 。
She was physically examined in what was called a "nude parade":
where female athletes were examined by a panel of doctors who would inspect their genitals to confirm their sex.
检查那些女运动员的是一群医生,确定她们性别的方式是查看生殖器 。
Klobukowska passed her test and qualified as female in 1966,
but the next year officials replaced physical exams with chromosomal testing, meaning she would have to be tested all over again.
但第二年官员们又用染色体检测取代了体检,这就意味着她要重新接受检测 。
Old sex ed films taught that a chromosome pairing of XX from a mother and father means a child will be female.
从前的性教育电影里说,双亲的性染色体都为X染色体时,孩子的性别就是女性 。
"and this always means a girl."
“通常都意味着是个女孩儿 。”
And an XY pairing will create a male.
XY染色体配对就会是男性 。
"that’s right, a boy!"