On Wednesday, Mr. Trump called Ms. Pelosi's bluff, with a letter saying that he had checked, and that the Secret Service had no such concerns.
周三,特朗普在一封信中表示,他已经核实过了,特勤局并没有这样的担忧,佩洛西不过是在虚张声势 。
So he said he was accepting her initial invitation.
所以,他说,他会接受佩洛西最初的邀请 。
Republican lawmakers piled on.
跟着,共和党议员一拥而上 。
The House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy of California, released a video on Twitter of him signing the resolution formally inviting the president to the House.
众议院共和党领袖,来自加州的凯文·麦卡锡在推特上发布视频,视频中他正在签署一项正式邀请总统在众议院发表演讲的决议 。
"Retweet if you agree that the State of the Union should proceed as planned," Mr. McCarthy wrote.
“如果你同意国情咨文应该按计划进行,就请转发这条推文,”麦卡锡写道 。
But hours later, Ms. Pelosi fired back with a letter of her own,
telling the president she would not pass a resolution authorizing him to come until the government had reopened.
她在信中告诉总统,她不会通过一项授权他在政府重新开放之前在众议院发表演讲的决议 。
As the two traded barbs, House Democrats passed yet another in a string of spending bills that would reopen the government;
this latest one included $1.5 billion in border security and was based on measures that gained approval from both parties in the last Congress.
最新的一项包括15亿美元的边境安全支出,其依据是在上届国会上获得两党批准的有关措施 。
During a closed-door meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday morning,
Ms. Pelosi urged her caucus to stay unified and not to peel off and begin negotiating with the president on his terms,
which could muddle the stark differences between Mr. Trump and them on a critical issue.
因为那些条件可能会混淆特朗普与他们在一个关键的问题上的明显分歧 。
She also told rank-and-file lawmakers that they should not get "too bogged down" on what legislation was being voted upon —
a direct message to some of her restive centrist freshmen,
who have been meeting with Republican freshmen to discuss a bipartisan path out of the shutdown.
这些新人一直在与共和党新人会面,讨论两党齐心协力走出政府停摆僵局的办法 。
The appeal seems to have worked;
as they emerged from the closed-door meeting,
rank-and-file Democrats appeared united behind their leaders’ demand that the government open before border security negotiations took place.
似乎已经变得团结一致,一齐支持他们的领导人提出的在就边境安全谈判之前先让政府开门的要求了 。
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1. pile on 堆积
Another way to reduce both the fat and sodium content of your sandwich is to use less meat and pile on extra veggies instead.
同时降低三明治的脂肪和盐含量的另一种方法是少放肉,多堆些蔬菜 。
2. fire back 回击
Republicans fire back that Democrats are fundamentally unwilling to reduce the size and scope of government in the U. S. economy.
共和党人则驳斥说,民主党人从根本上就不愿缩小美国经济中的政府规模 。
3. trade barbs 相互攻击
White House and The Wall Street Journal traded barbs late Saturday and early Sunday morning over the accuracy of quote from President Trump.
周六晚和周日早晨,白宫和《华尔街日报》就引用的特朗普总统的某句话相互攻击对方 。
4. peel off 剥落;脱离
One by one the aircraft started to peel off.
飞机部件开始逐渐脱落 。