Voice 1: Relays are different to normal races. In a relay, four people from the team work together. Each runner starts in a different position. One person runs at a time. The first person runs to the second person. He or she passes a baton, a tube shaped object. The second person takes the baton and runs to the third person. This continues until all four runners have finished the race.
声音1:接力赛与常规赛跑不一样 。在接力赛中,四名队友要进行合作 。每名选手从不同的位置出发 。一名选手跑一次 。第一名选手跑向第二名选手 。他或她将管状接力棒交给下一棒选手 。第二名选手接过接力棒后跑向第三名选手 。以此类推,直到四名选手完成接力 。
Voice 2: Madeline was a good runner! But, two days before the event she damaged her leg while training. She remembers being in a lot of pain. However, she decided to run anyway! She said,
声音2:马德琳是名优秀的赛跑选手!但是,在比赛开始两天之前,她的腿在训练中受伤了 。她记得当时非常疼 。但是,她决定照常参赛!她说,
Voice 3: "I ran the hardest day of my life. I was fighting so hard through the pain. I remember thinking - either your leg is going to tear or you are going to do this! I do not remember the last hundred metres. I remember passing the baton to the girl in front of me. But I have no idea what happened afterwards."
声音3:“我比赛的那天是我人生中最艰难的一天 。我在奔跑的时候一直强忍疼痛 。我记得我当时想,要么腿部撕裂,要么这样做!我不记得最后100米的情况 。我记得我把接力棒传给了我前面的女孩 。但我不知道之后发生了什么 。”