Voice 1: It is a sad fact that in many countries people are killing each other. Does this have to be? If you did not agree with somebody, would it not be better to go and talk to that person? Or would you want to kill that person instead? Bishop Desmond Tutu said this about the people of Ireland:
声音1:可悲的是,许多国家都发生了人们互相残杀的事件 。这有必要吗?如果你不同意其他人的观点,和那个人谈谈不是更好的方法吗?还是你想直接杀了那个人?大主教德斯蒙德·图图是这样形容爱尔兰民众的:
"They are wonderful. They have big hearts. They have a great sense of humour. I want them to show us that they can come out of their terrible suffering as better people. I want them to show us that it is possible for enemies to become friends."
“他们很棒 。他们胸怀宽广 。他们有很强的幽默感 。我希望他们能向我们证明,他们可以走出可怕的痛苦,成为更好的人 。我希望他们能向我们证明,敌人是有可能变成朋友的 。”