Voice 2: Fast treatment is very important with strokes. Melissa got to the hospital quickly. And doctors were able to save her life. But many people do not get fast treatment. This is because they do not recognise the signs of a stroke. This is true particularly with strokes that are not severe. Some of the signs of a stroke include:
声音2:快速治疗对中风非常重要 。梅丽莎马上赶往医院 。医生保住了她的性命 。但是许多人没能接受快速治疗 。这是因为他们没有意识到这是中风的迹象 。那些中风情况不严重的人尤其如此 。中风迹象包括:
Voice 1: Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
声音1:说话困难或难以理解他人的话 。
Voice 2: Difficulty walking.
声音2:难以行走 。
Voice 1: A sudden loss of balance.
声音1:突然失去平衡 。
Voice 2: A severe pain in the head.
声音2:头部剧痛 。
Voice 1: Sudden eye problems.
声音1:眼疾突然不适 。
Voice 2: And weakness or a loss of movement in one side.
声音2:身体一侧肢体无力或无法行动 。
Voice 1: Doctors say that people showing these signs should seek help immediately. They should not wait for the signs to go away. Fast treatment can be the difference between life and death.
声音1:医生表示,出现这些症状的人应该马上寻求帮助 。他们不能等这些症状继续发展 。能否接受快速治疗可能意味着生死之别 。