The world's most famous escape artist, Harry Houdini.
哈里·胡迪尼是世界上最着名的逃生艺术家 。
He thrilled audiences with dazzling illusions and death-defying stunts.
他那令人眼花缭乱的把戏和惊险的特技看得观众激动不已 。
This mastermind was from here, Budapest, Hungary, a city obsessed with escaping,
这位大师来自匈牙利的布达佩斯,一座痴迷于逃生艺术的城市 。
and the escape legacy still continues, thanks to this guy.
幸亏有这个家伙,这座城市的逃生传奇才得以继续上演 。
Welcome to ParaPark.
欢迎来到ParaPark 。
Escape rooms, find the clue, solve the riddle, crack the code.
密室,找线索,解开谜题,破解密码 。
These team building puzzles are popping up all over the planet.
这种需要团队协作的猜谜游戏已经风靡了世界各个角落 。
In fact, here in Budapest, there are over 80 of them.
事实上,在布达佩斯就有80多家体验馆 。
But back in 2010, escape rooms didn't exist.
然而就在2010年,逃生逃脱尚不存在 。
It was only til this man thought up the idea.
这款游戏是这个人产生了这一想法之后才有的 。
I'm Attila Gyurkovics, the creator of ParaPark, which is the first real-life escape room game.
我是阿提拉·古尔科维奇,第一款真实的密室逃脱游戏ParaPark的创始人 。
I was a social worker who specialized in teamwork.
我曾经是一名专门负责团队建设的社会工作者 。
His speciality was playing problem solving computer games
他的专长是玩解决问题的电脑游戏 。
but then...
I realized this could work in a physical environment, in the real world.
我意识到可以把这个游戏放到现实环境中,放到现实世界里来玩儿 。
So within three months, Attila had quit his job, found a space in Budapest and opened the world's first escape room.
三个月的时间,阿提拉就已经辞去工作,在布达佩斯找了个房间,开了世界上第一个密室逃脱体验馆 。
So here in Budapest, we have three rooms.
我们这家位于布达佩斯的体验馆有三个房间 。
One is a shorter game and two are classic one hour games.
一个游戏时间较短,另外两个都采用的密室逃脱经典时间设定一个小时 。
This is Crime Scene 95.
欢迎来到“犯罪现场95” 。
An escape room works like this:
You and your friends are locked in a room for 60 minutes.
你和你的朋友被锁在一个房间里60分钟 。
You are then tasked with finding clues and solving puzzles to unlock the door, and thus escape that room.
你们的任务就是找到线索,解开谜题,找到钥匙,从而逃离那个房间 。
We use symbols, colors, shapes, magnets. You need to find safes.
我们有用到一些符号、颜色、形状、磁铁作为线索,大家需要找到保险箱 。
You need to open that safe somehow.
大家要想办法打开保险箱 。
Here you find an egg. We should put it in the nest and with that number, you can open that lock.
大家可以在这里找到一个蛋,把蛋放到窝里,得到了这个数字,大家就能开锁了 。
With this clue, hopefully, you can open the other door.
有了这个线索,顺利的话,大家就能打开另一扇门 。
When I show the players what would be the solution, what they missed, so easy they just can do it like that.
当我教来玩的客人怎么找到答案,他们错在了哪里,是那么简单,大家都会有种恍然大悟的感觉 。
You don't need any special training before a game, but you need to work as a team and you need to share information,
and this way, actually, getting out can be really easy.
做到这些的话,逃出来还是挺容易的 。
So if you ever find yourself in Budapest, and you're stuck inside one of its many escape rooms,
like, let's say the Mob House or a jail cell, just remember to thank Attila.
比如这个暴民之家或监狱牢房,记得感谢阿提拉就是了 。
One of the latest in this city's launch edition of Getting out of Hairy Situations.
因为是他开发了“逃离困境”,这个城市最新推出的产品之一 。