In most of the world, horseracing is a fast-paced, head-spinning event.
在世界上的大多数地方,赛马都是一个快速并且让人目不暇接的比赛项目 。
But here on Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido, the races move ...A little bit slower.
然而,在日本最北边的岛屿——北海道这里,比赛的节奏……稍微慢了那么一点儿 。
Ban'ei is a form of horseracing found only in Hokkaido in which draft horses pull heavy sleds down a 200 meter dirt track.
“挽曳赛马”是北海道特有的赛马形式,在这种比赛中,马匹要拉着沉重的雪橇沿着200米长的土路滑下去 。
The sleds can range from 900 to 2,000 pounds,
so Ban'ei horses are often twice as big as their speedy counterparts.
所以,参加这一比赛的赛马的体型通常是它们的速度型同行的两倍 。
Kikuchi Kazuki has been a Ban'ei jockey for the past nine years.
菊池一树是一位已有9年参赛历史的骑手 。
But the history of this race goes back much further.
但这项赛事的历史还要早得多 。
The popularity of the races grew,
and starting in the 1950s there were four cities hosting races across Hokkaido.
从50年代开始,北海道举办这一赛事的城市增加到了四个 。
However, in recent years interest has waned.
然而,近年来,人们对这一赛事的兴趣逐渐消退了 。
And today the races are only held at this racetrack.
如今已经只剩下这一个赛马场在继续举办了 。
But that didn't stop Kikuchi.
但这并未阻止菊池参赛的热情 。
Pulling one-ton sleds is no easy task.
拉着成吨的雪橇参赛并不容易 。
But these draft horses race only every two weeks.
不过这些赛马要每两周才参加一次比赛 。
And in-between, they're well taken care of.
而在比赛的间隙,它们都得到了很好的照顾 。
And for first time spectators, seeing Ban'ei horses can be a bit of a shock.
对那些第一次观看挽曳赛马的观众来说,那些赛马可能会让他们有些吃惊 。
There have been signs that Ban'ei racing may be regaining popularity.
有迹象表明,挽曳赛马可能正在恢复人气 。
Either way, Kakuchi is happy to be part of this tradition.
不管怎样,菊池都很高兴成为这项传统的一部分 。