While it looks like tree bark, there is more here than meets the eye.
虽然它看起来像张树皮,但大家的眼睛被欺骗了 。
This is Madagascar's mossy leaf-tailed gecko.
这是马达加斯加酷似苔藓的叶尾壁虎 。
There are few animals in the world that exhibit such incredible camouflage as a mossy leaf-tailed gecko.
世界上只有少数动物拥有像苔藓叶尾壁虎那样令人难以置信的伪装 。
Growing up to six inches in length, their bodies are lined with small flaps of skin that help scatter their shadows, making their outline nearly invisible to predators.
叶尾壁虎身长可达6英寸(约15cm),皮肤上有小皮瓣,有助于分散他们的身影,使他们的轮廓几乎无法被捕食者发现 。
Endemic to Madagascar, these geckos spend their lives on the trunks and branches of dense rainforest fauna.
马达加斯加岛随处可见这种壁虎,他们栖息在茂密的热带雨林的树干或树枝上 。
Nocturnal in nature, they use their elliptical shaped pupils to hunt for insects and small invertebrates in the dead of night.
叶尾壁虎生性习惯在夜间活动,椭圆形状的瞳孔能够在黑夜里捕捉到昆虫和小型无脊椎动物 。
In spite of their formidable camouflage, the mossy leaf tailed gecko's future is threatened due to deforestation and increasing demand in the pet trade.
尽管擅长伪装,苔藓叶尾壁虎的未来还是受到了森林砍伐和宠物贸易需求上涨的威胁 。
This is the mossy leaf-tailed gecko.
这就是长满苔藓的叶尾壁虎 。