Ten things to remember when your partner has depression.
当你的伴侣患有抑郁症时,你应记住的10件事 。
Mr. and Mrs. Perfect don't exist in this world so don't count on your partner being flawless and upbeat every day.
完美先生和完美太太是不存在的,所以不要指望你的伴侣是完美无瑕、每天都能保持积极的人 。
Battling mental disorders can be daunting and exhausting all at once.
和精神疾病对抗会让人突然畏缩精疲力竭 。
Instead of demanding a lot, a relationship can strengthen and grow when we come from a nurturing and understanding place.
不要对他们有太多要求,好好经营这段感情,多些理解,这段关系是会不断成长的 。
Here are 10 things to remember when your partner has depression.
以下是当你的伴侣患有抑郁症时,你要记住的10件事 。
1. Depression doesn't always need a reason to strike.
1. 抑郁症的爆发是不需要理由的 。
Ever feel sad without understanding why? That's depression.
没有缘由的感到难过?这就是抑郁症 。
It can leave you in a fog for hours and sometimes days.
抑郁症会让你好几个小时的不知所措,有时甚至是几天 。
When you ask your partner what's wrong, they might not always know but a hug is always appreciated.
当你询问你的伴侣怎么了,他们或许也不知道,但是一个拥抱总是让人宽慰 。
2. Be prepared for mood swings when fall swings by.
2. 秋季来临时,为情绪的波动做好准备 。
Daylight savings is great at all when we get an extra hour of sleep
but other than that things start to look bleak when it gets dark faster.
但除此之外当天黑的更快时,一切事物开始变得暗淡 。
Expect emotional roller coasters and be understanding if your partner isn't as excited for apple-picking as you might be.
在摘苹果时,如果你的伴侣没你那么兴奋,请多些理解,这时的他们情绪起伏不定 。
3. On that same note don't expect much energy from them at all.
3. 同样,不要期待他们有很多的精力 。
Depression wears people down literally.
抑郁症对人伤害很大 。
Fatigue and lack of energy are common symptoms associated with this mood disorder.
疲劳和缺少精力是和这种情绪障碍相关的最常见症状 。
If your partner doesn't feel like leaving the house, don't force them to be open-minded and accommodating.
如果你的伴侣不想出门,不要强迫他们 。你要保持开放态度,多些通融 。
Cuddling, sessions and movie nights can be just as fun.
拥抱、谈话和电影之夜也一样有趣 。
4. Encourage humor.
4. 鼓励幽默 。
Who doesn't love a good laugh every once in a while.
谁不喜欢时常开怀大笑呢 。
Watch some comedy shows together or those hilarious chick flicks you two grew up with.
一起看喜剧片或是你俩成长中的搞笑小视频 。
5. Don't take their reactions personally.
5. 不要对他们的反应感到生气 。
Things might get tense when you're at your last straw trying to figure out your partner's depression. But remember they don't try to be irritable. It's just hard sometimes.
在你试图理解伴侣的抑郁症时,压在你身上的最后一根稻草让事情变得紧张 。但记住他们不是有意如此暴躁的 。只是有时很困难 。
6. Help around with chores.
6. 帮忙做家务 。
Depression makes getting out of bed and showering sometimes feel like the hardest things to do.
抑郁有时会把起床洗澡变成最艰难的事情 。
Don't be afraid to lend a helping hand when that laundry basket gets full.
当洗衣篓装的满满时,不要害怕伸出援手 。
7. Respect their boundaries.
7. 尊重他们的界限 。
Although it might be tempting to be by their side every step of the way,
know that they might want space every once in a while.
但是要知道他们偶尔也需要一点空间 。
This doesn't mean they love you any less and vice versa.
这并不是说他们爱你更少一些,反之亦然 。
8. It's okay to ask for your friends insights.
8. 询问朋友的意见也不错 。
Sometimes a third party's perspective is all that it takes to connect the dots.
有时第三方的视角或许正是连接节点所需要的 。
When you're worried about your partner,
your friend might be able to give you good advice on self-health especially if they've been there.
你的朋友或许能够给你关于自我健康的好建议,尤其是如果他们有同样经历 。
9. It won't always be like this.
9. 不会总是这样的 。
Depression doesn't have an expiration date but it can be managed with professional help, proper medication and useful techniques.
抑郁症没有截止日期,但是可以寻求专业帮助、适当药物治疗以及有效的技巧 。
It's important for your partner to talk to their doctor about options to consider.
让你的伴侣和医生进行交谈询问治疗方法,这一点很重要 。
10. They need you more than ever.
10. 他们比任何时候都需要你 。
They don't want a hero although that would be nice in an ideal world.
他们不需要英雄,虽然在理想世界中,英雄的存在很棒 。
They appreciate you just being there for them through thick and thin.
他们会感激你陪伴他们风雨同舟 。
Are you dating someone who's struggling with depression? We want you to know you're not alone.
你的对象在和抑郁症斗争么?我们想让你们知道你不是一个人 。
Please share your thoughts with us and let us know some of the challenges you're going through.
请和我们分享你的想法,让我们知道你正在经历的一些挑战 。
In our description box, we've also included a link to depression hotlines in case they're needed.
在我们的描述栏中,我们也提供了一些抑郁热线电话链接 。
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel as well for more helpful tips and share this video with others.
不要忘记订阅我们的频道获取更多有用技巧,并和别人分享本期视频 。
With your help, we can reach more people and provide our support. Thanks for watching!
有了大家的帮助,我们可以接触到更多人并提供支持 。感谢收看!