These are two drinks from the same store.
这是同一家店的两杯饮料 。
They're the same in almost every way.
他们几乎一毛一样 。
But this one costs $3 extra.
但这杯要贵3美元 。
All it took was a few drops of this stuff—CBD.
这一切只是因为往里面加了几滴这个东西——CBD 。
It's a cannabis compound you can buy in oils, chocolates, bath bombs, face masks, gummies, coffee, lotions, even dog treats.
这是添加在油、巧克力、浴弹、面膜、口香糖、咖啡、乳液,甚至狗粮里的一种大麻化合物 。
It's everywhere.
它无处不在 。
And its proponents claim that it can help with a lot of things:
CBD exists right at the intersection of three huge consumer trends:
The 49 billion-dollar herbal supplement industry, the growing anxiety economy,
and the almost overnight rise of a legal cannabis marketplace.
以及几乎一夜之间崛起的合法大麻市场 。
There's still a lot we don't know about CBD.
关于CBD我们不了解的地方还有很多 。
But people are buying it.
但大家已经在消费了 。
This is how much consumer CBD sales have grown in the past four years.
这是过去四年消费者CBD销售额的增长趋势 。
And this is how much they're expected to grow.
这则是未来预期的增长趋势 。
For a product this popular, CBD is barely regulated and people tend to misunderstand its effects.
作为如此受欢迎的产品,CBD却几乎没有受到监管,而人们对它的作用也往往存在误解 。
So what do we know about it?
CBD—or cannabidiol—is one of over 110 chemical constituents in cannabis called cannabinoids.
CBD——也就是大麻二酚——是大麻含有的110多种化学成分之一 。
THC—or tetrahydrocannabinol—is a different cannabis chemical that causes the high associated with consuming marijuana.
THC——四氢大麻酚——是大麻的另外一种能产生吸食大麻带来的兴奋的化学物质 。
But by itself, CBD won't get you high.
不过,CBD本身并不能让大家变得兴奋 。
You can inhale it as a vapor, or apply it to your skin,
but a popular intake method is edible oil—since CBD is naturally soluble in fat.
但一种流行的摄入方式是加到食用油里,因为CBD能在油脂中自然溶解 。
That easy-to-consume format is behind the explosion of many new products we're seeing today.
这种易于消费的形式是我们今天看到的许多新产品朝我们铺天盖地而来的原因 。
But it's also led to a lot of misconceptions.
但也因此导致了许多误解 。
For starters, people say CBD can treat everything from inflammation, to acne—even cancer.
首先,人们说,CBD可以治疗从炎症到痤疮甚至癌症的所有疾病 。
But there's no proof that consumer CBD products can treat all those ailments.
但并没有证据表明,消费者用的CBD产品真的可以治疗上述所有疾病 。
We don't have that much data related to the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol.
我们并没有足够的数据证明大麻二酚确实有那些治疗效果 。
CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
that have been shown to help treat psychosis, anxiety, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy and seizures.
就是这些特性被大家用来证明它能治疗精神病、焦虑、运动障碍、多发性硬化、癫痫等疾病的 。
And the FDA recently approved Epidiolex, a CBD-based epilepsy drug.
FDA最近也批准了一种基于CBD的癫痫药Epidiolex 。
But there isn't enough research for CBD to be prescribed as medicine for all of those other conditions.
但目前并没有足够的研究证明CBD能作为治疗其他疾病的处方药使用 。
Right now, we don't know a ton about how CBD affects the brain,
or which doses or delivery methods work most effectively.
也不知道哪种剂量或摄入方式最有效 。
And people who take CBD sometimes do it at risk to their own health,
foregoing medically approved treatments or failing to investigate its interactions with other drugs.
他们放弃了医学认可的治疗方法,或者没有调查它与其他药物的相互作用 。
And the CBD that has trickled down to retail markets?
It's largely unregulated.
基本上都没有得到监管 。
Because of that, consumers often have no idea what they're buying—
and CBD products often don't contain what they say they do.
CBD产品往往也并不包含他们所说的那些成分 。
A) They might not even have the cannabidiol that is claimed on the label
—but more importantly, B) is that some of them actually have THC in it.
但更重要的是,B)这些产品有一部分可能还含有THC 。
In 2016, the FDA issued warnings to 8 CBD oil companies
after finding that some contained either no or barely any CBD,
and some contained illegal amounts of psychoactive THC.
另外一些产品还含有非法的兴奋剂四氢大麻酚 。
And a 2017 study of 84 CBD products purchased online found that almost 70 percent were mislabeled.
2017年一项针对84种网购CBD产品的研究发现,有近70%的商品都贴错了标签 。
But even when consumer CBD products are accurately labeled, the doses tend to be very low.
不过,即便消费型CBD产品的标签没有问题,其CBD的剂量往往也很低 。
When you get a few drops of CBD oil in a drink, you're probably getting about 5-10 milligrams of CBD.
如果你的饮料中确实有加几滴CBD油,加进去的可能也只有5~10毫克 。
You'd need 30 times that to reach the amount of CBD that current research has found to have stress-relieving results.
但那种量你需要30倍才能达到目前研究发现的减压效果 。
So even though CBD has a ton of medical promise, the dose in the average CBD coffee is pretty negligible.
因此,尽管CBD在医学上大有前途,但普通的CBD咖啡里的剂量其实是微不足道的 。
But even at those levels, CBD products other than Epidiolex are still technically illegal.
不过,即便只有这么小的量,严格来说,除Epidiole以外的CBD产品仍然是非法的 。
When you go down the street and you buy your latte with cannabidiol, that is still considered "federally illegal."
当你在街边买一杯CBD拿铁时,这一做法仍然被认为是“违反联邦法律的” 。
At the state level it might not be, depending on which state you're in, but federally speaking, it is still illegal.
按州一级的法律来讲的话不一定犯法,不过这得取决于你在哪个州,但从联邦层面来说,就是非法的 。
The DEA maintains that CBD is federally illegal, but it won't bother going after anyone possessing or using it.
美国缉毒局(DEA)坚称CBD违反联邦法律,但它并不会劳心劳力地去追究拥有或使用CBD的每一个人 。
And because the DEA won't prosecute, anybody from any state can walk into a store or go online and buy CBD products.
因为并不会被DEA起诉,所以,任何州的任何一个人都可以走进商店或上网购买CBD产品 。
Attitudes in health care are shifting:
in December 2017, the World Health Organization concluded that CBD is not harmful.
2017年12月,世界卫生组织断定CBD是无害的 。
In January 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency removed it from its prohibited substances list.
2018年1月,世界反兴奋剂机构将CBD移出了禁药名单 。
And, if passed as it stands, the 2018 farm bill would legalize CBD and industrial hemp nationwide.
而且,如果2018年的农业法案真的能够通过,那么CBD和工业大麻将在全国范围内合法化 。
CBD isn't bullsh*t.
CBD并不完全是在扯淡 。
It's a substance with a lot of potential.
它确实是一种很有潜力的物质 。
But the quantity and quality in today's consumer products is often more of a scam than a reliable wellness supplement.
但就当下的CBD消费品中含有的CBD的量和品质来看,它们更多的是一个骗局,而不是可靠的营养补充剂 。
What's next for CBD depends on research.
CBD的下一步发展取决于研究 。
But right now, its popularity is proof that the absence of data doesn't prevent people from selling products.
但就现在而言,它的流行证明了缺乏数据并不妨碍产品的销售 。
Instead, when you can claim everything—you can sell anything.
相反,当你能声称你的产品无所不能的时候——你卖什么都不用担心卖不出去 。