Generally, people who have more opportunities, more control over their lives, are also better sleepers.
一般而言,受到机遇青睐并且能够左右自己的生活的人睡眠质量往往也更好 。
There’s a connection between neighborhood quality and sleep quality too.
睡眠质量和社区环境好坏也有联系 。
Poor communities are faced with higher pollution, elevated noise levels, crime, greater population density, and sometimes limited access to air-conditioning.
贫穷的社区往往污染严重,吵闹,犯罪率更高,拥挤,有的社区连空调都不一定有 。
Even if black families are middle-income, they’re more likely to live in poorer neighborhoods,
which means these environmental factors could still influence their sleep.
所以上述环境因素仍然可能影响他们的睡眠 。
All of these things — the environment, the economy, stress — can compound on existing health conditions.
所有这些因素 - 环境、经济和压力 - 都可能加剧现有的健康状况 。
A consistent finding is that when we see sleep disruptions, we also start seeing signs of insulin resistance— which is a precursor to diabetes.
多项研究一致发现,胰岛素抵抗综合征——糖尿病的前兆——会伴随睡眠中断中会出现 。
You start to see signs of increased appetite.
受试者开始出现食欲增加的迹象 。
You start to see signs that people aren't regulating their metabolism so well.
无法很好地调节新陈代谢的迹象也会随之出现 。
Long-term stress can lead to chronic elevated cortisol levels — which suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure, contribute to obesity, and more.
长期处于压力之下会导致慢性皮质醇水平升高,从而抑制免疫系统的功能,使血压升高,造成肥胖等问题 。
Obesity — which affects almost half of all black adults in the US — contributes to other serious sleep conditions like sleep apnea.
肥胖 - 影响了将近半数美国黑人成年人的健康问题 - 还会造成较为严重的睡眠不良状况,比如睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 。
A disorder where breathing is interrupted during sleep.
也就是睡觉期间呼吸中断的睡眠障碍 。
And sleep apnea increase the risk for stroke and heart attack.
该病症会提高中风及心脏病发作的风险 。
Bad sleep can even change your DNA.
糟糕的睡眠甚至可以改变一个人的DNA 。
Every single cell of your body has a clock that cycles that turns on and off throughout the day.
人体的每个细胞都有一个可以在一整天内开启和关闭的时钟 。
All these clocks are producing feedback loops, so when you disrupt the big clock in your brain,
you're probably going to disrupt these little clocks throughout your body.
身体其他部位的小钟也可能被打乱 。
Even modest sleep loss can trigger the immune system's inflammatory response to disease and injury.
即使轻微的睡眠不足也会引发免疫系统对疾病和损伤做出的炎症反应 。
It all becomes a vicious cycle leading to worsening health conditions.
这一切都是会导致健康状况恶化的恶性循环 。
Having enough good sleep is a big deal.
能够拥有充足的高质量睡眠是一件大事 。
But just telling people to "get more slee" probably isn’t that effective.
然而,只是口头上告诉人们“多睡觉”或许并不会那么奏效 。
Fixing the sleep gap means handling it at both the individual level and policy level.
弥补不同群体之间的睡眠差异意味着不仅要从个人层面,还要从政策层面着手 。
Having accessible and affordable public transportation, and housing near jobs would help workers spend less time commuting and more time sleeping.
拥有便捷实惠的公共交通和临近就业的住房将有助于员工减少上下班时间,从而延长他们的睡眠时间 。
Employers could use sleep wellness programs to incentivize workers to catch up on their Z’s
雇主们可以借助睡眠健康计划来激励员工补觉 。
though a government mandate would make this more widespread.
尽管有政府的授权会更容易推广这一措施 。
Even some researchers are using community outreach to guide neighborhoods to better sleep.
连研究人员都已经开始利用社区展览来指导社区住户改善睡眠了 。
Then there are steps people can take for more restful sleep.
人们还可以采取别的措施获得安稳的睡眠 。
It seems pretty clear that there's a correlation between bad sleep and poor health outcomes.
健康状况不佳和睡眠不足似乎存在明显的联系 。
It's still not known if you give people better sleep, if those health outcomes will then improve and this research is still ongoing,
so this is going to be a really key thing to know that if we can improve people’s sleep, we may be able to make them healthier.
所以,我们必须认识到,如果能够改善人们的睡眠,我们就有可能能改善他们的健康状况 。
And maybe tackling other inequalities in the US would be more of a reality and less of a dream.
如此一来,解决美国的其他不平等问才会变得更加现实而不那么像梦想一遥不可及 。