This is BBC World News the headlines.
Traffic has been rebooted around the Anak Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia which is continuing to spew out ash nearly a week after it caused a tsunami which killed more than 400 people.
印尼喀拉喀托火山周围的交通已经重新启动 该火山仍在继续喷发火山灰 近一周前 喀拉喀托火山喷发引起海啸 导致400多人遇难
President Trump and the first lady have made a surprise Christmas visit to thank US troops in Iraq.
特朗普总统携第一夫人在圣诞节意外到访伊拉克 感谢驻扎在那里的美国军人
Nearly two years into his presidency, it's his first trip to see soldiers under his command in a combat zone.
这是特朗普自执政近两年来 首次看望作战区受其指挥的士兵
President Putin says Russia has acquired a new type of strategic weapon after observing the final test of a nuclear capable hypersonic missile.
普京总统在督查了可携核高超音速导弹的最终测试后 称俄罗斯获得了一种新型战略武器
Mr. Putin said the weapon could penetrate any existing or next-generation missile defense system.
普京表示 该武器可以渗透任何现有以及下一代导弹防御系统
A 33-year-old American man has become the first person to cross Antarctica alone and unassisted.
Colin O'Brady finished in 53 days ahead of a British Army captain Louis Rudd who had been racing him across the ice.
科林·奥布雷迪用53天完成了这一旅程 领先于一路上跟他比赛的英国陆军上尉路易斯·鲁德