What if I told you, you can literally eat fire?
Yes, literally.
是的,一点儿没夸张 。
In India, paan is a huge culinary darling that's been around for centuries.
在印度,帕安是一种超级火爆而且已经有数百年历史的美食宠儿 。
It's a snack usually eaten after a meal to help with digestion.
这是一种通常在饭后享用,以便帮助消化的小吃 。
It consists of a betel of leaf that's wrapped around all kinds of different fillings,
like nuts, fennel, cardamom, fruits, chocolate, or even meat.
坚果,茴香,豆蔻,水果,巧克力甚至肉,就成了帕安 。
You can find it anywhere.
这种小吃遍布印度的大街小巷 。
But a small street food shack in New Delhi is sparking a revolution.
但新德里的一间街边小吃摊却给这种小吃带来了革命性的转变 。
All right, then.
既然如此,我们就试试吧 。
But back to the revolution he's sparking.
我们还是说回他掀起的那场革命吧 。
Recently, he had an idea that would reignite the classic Indian snack his shack was famous for.
最近,他萌发了一个念头,正是这个念头重新点燃了这一让他的小吃摊大红大紫的印度传统小吃 。
I have a burning question for you: Is it safe to eat?
You're really bringing on the heat.
你让我压力很大啊 。
OK, that was a slow-burner.
好吧,我反射弧比较长啦 。
I was just warming up.
刚刚那个只是热身 。
OK, OK, we've already burned too much time.
好吧好吧,我们已经浪费太多时间了 。
So, there you have it. India's hottest trend.
好啦,这就是印度现在最火爆的小吃啦 。