Latest headlines for you from BBC news.
Reports released by the US Senate say tens of millions of Americans were exposed to a Russian back propaganda campaign on social media during the 2016 presidential election.
美国参议院发布的报道称 在2016年总统大选期间 有成千上万的美国人接触到了由俄罗斯支持的宣传运动
The study say sites been run by YouTube, Facebook and many others were used to spread propaganda to help Donald Trump get elected.
研究称YouTube、Facebook和很多其他网站被用来散布宣传内容 帮助唐纳德·特朗普当选
Official sources in Yemen suggest violence has continued to erupt sporadically in the port city Hodeida despite a planned ceasefire agreed last week between the government and its Houthi rebel opponents.
也门的官方来源表示 虽然上周政府与其胡塞反叛者达成了计划停火协议 但港市荷台达仍然会时不时发生一些暴力事件
There are violent clashes for several days.
这几天来 都有暴力冲突发生
The port is a key a gateway for vital supplies of aid.
Protesters have again taken to the streets of Budapest for the sixth consecutive day against Viktor Orban's Fidesz government.
连续六天以来 抗议者又走上了布达佩斯的街头 抗议欧尔班·维克托的青年民主主义者联盟政府