Voice 2: German people traditionally put away their knives on Halloween night. They do not want to harm spirits returning to earth.
声音2:德国人的传统是在万圣节当晚把刀收起来 。他们不想伤害返回人间的灵魂 。
Voice 1: In China, people do not celebrate Halloween. But they have a very similar celebration called "Yue Lan." It is the "Festival of the Hungry Ghosts." The people there believe that spirits visit and travel through the world for twenty four hours. Some people burn pictures of fruit or money. They believe that the spirits can see these burned pictures. And the burned pictures bring calm and peace to the ghosts. This celebration is not a time for games or dressing up. Instead, it is a day to remember and respect the memory of dead ancestors.
声音1:在中国,人们并不庆祝万圣节 。但是他们会举行一个极为相似的庆典,名为“盂兰节” 。中国人认为,逝者的灵魂会在人间逗留24个小时 。一些人会烧水果图或纸钱 。他们认为逝者的灵魂可以看到这些被烧掉的图片 。而这些图片会为这些灵魂带去平静与和平 。这一庆典不会玩游戏,也不用乔装打扮 。相反,这是纪念并怀念已故先人的日子 。