The confusion continued into Monday night, when the White House revised Mr. Kudlow’s statement that the trade truce would begin on Jan.1, rather than Dec.1,
giving the two sides an extra month to strike a deal.
由此,双方又多了一个月协商的时间 。
The White House released a corrected transcript of Mr. Kudlow’s remarks,
striking out January and replacing it with December to reflect that the 90-day clock had already begun.
将日期从1月份改为了12月份,以此表明90天的倒计时已经开始 。
The lack of specific commitments from China and the conflicting statements from United States and Chinese officials
struck many analysts as a sign that the president might ultimately get far less than he was publicly portraying.
这令许多分析人士都觉得总统最终得到的成果可能远比他公开描绘的要少 。
For instance, after leaving Buenos Aires on Saturday night, Mr. Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One
that Mr. Xi had agreed to approve a deal China had previously rejected between Qualcomm, a San Diego-based chip maker, and a Dutch firm, NXP, calling it “a big thing.”
习近平已经同意了中方此前已经拒绝的,高通,总部位于圣地亚哥的芯片制造商,和荷兰公司NXP之间的一个项目,特朗普还称这一协议“是一件了不起的大事 。”
But Qualcomm had already abandoned its plan to buy NXP and said on Monday that it would not be resuscitating any agreement.
然而,高通已经放弃了收购NXP的计划,并在周一表示不会重启任何协议 。
“The afterglow of this convivial dinner could fade quickly
unless the two sides can find a way to make substantive progress in closing the enormous gulf that still exists between their respective negotiating positions,
which will not be easy to bridge,” said Eswar Prasad, a trade policy professor at Cornell University.
然而这并非易事,”康奈尔大学贸易政策教授埃斯瓦尔·普拉萨德表示 。
And while stock markets rallied and regained some ground after a volatile few weeks, financial analysts cautioned that any celebration was premature.
尽管股市在经历了几周的动荡后有所反弹,甚至有所回升,但金融分析师警告称,任何庆祝都还为时过早 。
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1. strike a deal 达成协议
Seeking compromise, Dodd in recent weeks has discussed multiple options with Republicans, but has not struck a deal.
为寻求妥协折衷,多德近几周来已与共和党人讨论过多个选项,但尚未敲定协议 。
2. strike sb. as... 给某人留下……的印象;在某人看来;
Some of the principles strike me as if not exactly the work of a genius, then at least the work of a perfectly sensible person.
在我看来,其中一些原则倒也不像出自什么天才之手,但提出者最起码算是一个极其理性的人 。
3. make substantive progress in.. 在……方面取得重大进展
He still hasn't made substantive progress in the technical innovation program he started two years ago.
两年前的那个技术革新项目他现在也没取得什么重大的进展 。
4. regain some ground 回升;收复失地
But the dollar still regained some ground on Wednesday.
不过,美元汇率在周三还是有所回升 。