The 2018 National Climate Assessment — a major scientific report produced by 13 federal agencies —
concluded that if greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels continue to increase at current rates,
the frequency of severe fires in the west could triple.
西部地区发生严重火灾的频率或将增至当前频率的3倍 。
The report noted that climate change will also bring more specific threats to California.
报告还指出,气候变化还会给加州带来更多切实的威胁 。
Increased drought could devastate the state’s farmers,
warming waters could close fisheries and spur the growth of toxic algae,
and rising seas could inundate the homes of 200,000 Californians and erode two-thirds of California beaches by 2100.
上升的海平面还将吞没20万加州人的房舍以及该州三分之二的海滩 。
The Trump administration moved this summer to eliminate California’s authority under the Clean Air Act
to set standards on planet-warming tailpipe pollution that are stricter than those set by the federal government.
今年夏天,特朗普政府采取行动,剥夺了加州的这一权利 。
When California officials struck a deal in July with four automakers to abide by the state’s tougher standards,
the E.P.A. formally revoked California’s authority, prompting a lawsuit.
环保署正式剥夺了加州发号施令的权利,并因此引发了一场诉讼 。
The Trump administration has also threatened to withhold highway funding,
opened an antitrust investigation into California’s deal with the carmakers
and filed suit to block part of a state initiative to limit greenhouse gases from power plants,
arguing that its regional cap-and-trade system was unlawful because it included Quebec, Canada.
声称当地的总量管制与交易制度非法,因该制度还涉及到了加拿大的魁北克 。
“Why are they going out of their way to attack this authority now?”
asked Daniel Lashof, director of the World Resources Institute, a research organization focused on environmental policy,
专注环境政策的研究机构——世界资源研究所所长丹尼尔·拉什夫问道 。
adding that California has been working with Quebec for over a decade.
他接着说道,加州与魁北克合作都已经十年有余了 。
The lawsuit against California could slow the spread of such programs.
对加州的诉讼可能会减缓这些(遏制气候变化的)方案的推广 。
And if the courts back the Trump administration in the fight over auto pollution standards,
13 other states that have adopted California’s stricter standards would also be forced to abandon them.
采用加州更为严格的标准的其余13州恐也将被迫放弃这些标准 。
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1.move to 采取行动做某事
I would really like to see President Obama to move to ask the government of Iceland to shut that website down.
我迫切地希望看到奥巴马总统要求冰岛政府关掉这个网站 。
2.strike a deal with 达成协议;签订交易
A contact in Asia informed him that the North Koreans had struck a deal with Legea SRL, an Italian company.
一位亚洲朋友告诉他说,朝鲜足球队已与意大利公司LegeaSRL签订了合同 。
3.abide by 遵守;
Besides, the business contact between the company and the bank shall abide by related rules of the bank.
另外,本公司与银行之间的业务往来,必须遵守银行的有关规定 。
4.go out of one's way to do sth. 特意;专门
He seemed to go out of his way to see me.
他似乎是特意来看我的 。