It's Thanksgiving; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes,
but the one thing that has always stood out is a bit of a head scratcher: sweet potato casserole, mmm.
但有一样东西总是让人摸不着头脑:甘薯烤盘,真香 。
We're pretty sure sweet potatoes and marshmallows weren't at the original Thanksgiving.
我们很确定,最初的感恩节餐是没有甘薯和棉花糖的 。
So what happened?
Sweet potatoes have been around forever.
甘薯这种食物很早以前就有了 。
And marshmallows, this sticky, gooey mess actually comes from a plant and has been around since ancient Egypt.
棉花糖呢,这种黏糊糊的东西其实是用一种植物制作出来的,而且古埃及时就有了 。
A delicacy only pharaohs could eat.
那时,它还是一种只有法老才吃得到的美味 。
Okay, fast forward to the 20th century.
好了,快进到20世纪 。
Marshmallows were a big deal, expensive, and essentially the Cristal of sweet treats.
过去棉花糖是很了不起的,很贵,堪称甜食界的水晶香槟 。
Not only that, but they were even hand made.
不仅如此,它们还是手工制作的 。
Marshmallows became a mainstay for highfalutin housewives.
棉花糖成了自命不凡的家庭主妇的看家菜 。
See, back then, housewives would have to make whipped cream or even meringue by hand,
but the marshmallows were a modern time saver.
但棉花糖是现代出现的一种十分省时的食物 。
The first recipe that paired sweet potatoes and marshmallows appeared in 1918 in a trade journal, cleverly named Sweet Potatoes and Yams.
第一个将甘薯和棉花糖搭配在一起的食谱出现在了1918年的一份贸易杂志上,还取了个讨巧的菜名:甘薯山药 。
As marshmallows grew in popularity and began being mass produced,
more and more recipes began implementing them as an everyday ingredient.
越来越多的食谱开始将其作为日常食材来用 。
Nowadays, marshmallows are generally reserved for campfires and hot chocolate,
and this nontraditional/traditional favorite.
还有这道既不传统又传统的美食 。
Whether you like your sweet potatoes a la marshmallow or plain, happy Thanksgiving!