Voice 1: Other people groups in other parts of the world celebrated similar holidays. Around the year four hundred, Christians came to Ireland. They began to celebrate Christian holidays at the same time the Celts celebrated their holidays.
声音1:世界其他地区的人们也会庆祝类似的节日 。大约在公元400年时,基督徒来到了爱尔兰 。他们开始在凯尔特人庆祝节日的同一时间庆祝基督教节日 。
Voice 2: For many years the church had a celebration in honour of saints - special people in the Church. They called this celebration 'All Saints Day,' or 'All Hallows Day.' It was a day to celebrate these special, or 'holy,' people. They celebrated 'All Hallows Day' on November one. And after a time, people began calling the Samhain celebration 'All Hallows Eve.' That is because it happened on the evening, or night, before 'All Hallows Day.' Language is always changing. After a while, people shortened the name 'All Hallows Eve' to 'Halloween' and that is what we call it today!
声音2:多年以来,教会一直会举行庆祝活动纪念圣徒,圣徒指教会中特别的人 。他们将这种庆典称为“诸圣日”或“天下圣徒之日” 。这一天是纪念这些特别的人或“圣人”的日子 。他们在11月1日庆祝“天下圣徒之日” 。过了一段时间之后,人们开始将萨温节称为“天下圣徒之日前夜” 。这是因为萨温节庆典在“天下圣徒之日”前一天的夜晚举行 。语言在不断变化 。一段时间之后,人们将“天下圣徒之日前夜”简称为“万圣节”,这一称呼一直延续至今!