Voice 2: William was only fifteen when his mother died. Harry was twelve. Now as a twenty-five year old man, William stood before the people gathered in the church. With a calm voice he read from the Christian Bible. For Spotlight, Tony Ford reads a shortened version of what William read:
声音2:戴安娜王妃去世时,她的儿子威廉只有15岁 。她另一个儿子哈里当时只有12岁 。现在,已经25岁的威廉站在聚集在教堂的人群前面 。他用冷静的声音朗读了基督教圣经中的一段文字 。托尼·福特为重点报道节目朗读了威廉王子朗读部分的简缩版 。
Voice 3: "I pray that... God may strengthen you in your inner being with power through his Spirit. And that Christ Jesus may live in your hearts through faith. May you have power... to understand Christ's love. May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is... God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. Give God glory through all time. Amen."
声音3:“我祈求……上帝藉着他的灵,叫你们心里的力量刚强起来 。使基督因你们的信,住在你们心里 。使你们有能力……理解基督的爱 。能明白基督的爱是何等长阔高深……上帝所能成就的,远超过我们的所求所想 。愿上帝得着荣耀,直到永永远远 。阿们 。”
Ephesians 3:14-21
Voice 1: Then Prince Harry stood up. He went to the front of the church. He had prepared a speech in honour of his mother. Again, Tony Ford tells part of what he said:
声音1:随后,哈里王子起立 。他走向教堂前面 。他准备了一段讲话来纪念他的母亲 。我们继续请托尼·福特来复述哈里王子的致辞:
Voice 3: "Our mother will always be remembered for her amazing public work. But behind the fame, to us, just two loving children, she was... simply the best mother in the world..."
声音3:“我们的母亲会因为她无与伦比的公共事业而永远被铭记 。但是在所有媒体光环背后,对我们两名孩子来说,她仅仅是世界上最好的母亲……”
"Put simply, she made us, and so many other people, happy. May this be the way that she is remembered."
“简而言之,她让我们和其他许多人快乐,希望这就是我们悼念她的方式 。”