Voice 1: But the other kind of perfectionist describes someone with a real problem. We may call them 'extreme perfectionists.' These kinds of perfectionists cannot accept any kind of mistakes. They set impossible goals for themselves. And, they can feel useless when they do not meet these goals. Doctor Rachel Naomi Remen was one of these people. She is now a 'recovering perfectionist.' She said that she was never satisfied with what she did. It was just never good enough! Her expectations for herself and others were just too high. She said,
声音1:但是完美主义者还可以形容有问题的人 。我们称这些人为“极端完美主义者” 。这类完美主义者不能接受任何错误 。他们会为自己设定不可能实现的目标 。在达不到自己设定的目标时,他们就会感觉自己很没用 。瑞雀·娜欧米·雷门医生就是这类人 。现在她是一名“恢复正常的完美主义者” 。她说,以前她对自己做的事情从不满足 。做的永远都不够好!她对自己和其他人的期望太高了 。她说,
Voice 3: 'I am a recovering perfectionist. Before I began recovering, whatever I did was never good enough. It was the same for people around me. I sat in judgment on life itself. Perfectionism is the belief that life is broken.'
声音3:“我是一名恢复正常的完美主义者 。在我恢复正常以前,无论我做什么我都觉得做得不够好 。我对我身边的人也是这种看法 。我坐在审判台上审判生活 。完美主义认为生活是破碎的 。”