Quiet Day at a Synagogue Became a Battle to Survive
By Campbell Robertson, Sabrina Tavernise and Sandra E. Garcia
As gunfire shattered the prayerful morning stillness of the Tree of Life synagogue, Barry Werber was hiding in a darkened storage room.
枪声打破了“生命之树”犹太教堂祥和的晨祷时,巴里·韦尔贝藏到了一个黑暗的储藏室里 。
In front of him was Melvin Wax, a longtime member of the New Light Congregation whose body now lay on the floor.
在他面前的是梅尔文·瓦克斯,新光教会的一名老成员,的尸体 。
Then a man stepped through a swinging door into the room.
之后,一名男子穿过推拉门进了房间 。
Mr. Werber saw that he was carrying a long gun.
韦尔贝看到他扛着一把长枪 。
“He walks in,” Mr. Werber said of the killer. “He steps over Mel’s body.”
“他走了进来,”韦尔贝先生描述凶手时说到 。 “他跨过了梅尔的身体 。”
The man seemed to look around for a brief moment, but couldn’t seem to see in the darkness. He walked back out.
男子好像往四周看了看,但在黑暗中似乎也看不清 。于是,他又出去了 。
Mr. Werber escaped with his life.
韦尔贝这才逃过一劫 。
But 11 others in the synagogue on Wilkins Avenue on Saturday morning did not.
然而,周六早上在威尔金斯大道犹太教堂的其他11人却没有这么幸运 。
The massacre unfolded over about an hour in individual acts of endurance and courage —
Mr. Werber holding his breath in the darkness,
police officers who rushed in while the gunfire was still raging to confront the killer, congregants who put aside their terror to help one another.
为了制住杀手,不等枪声停止就冲了进去的警察,放下恐惧互帮互助的教友 。
It ended when the gunman, identified by police as Robert Bowers, wounded and crawling on his knees, surrendered to police officers.
直到受伤跪倒在地的枪手,警方确认是一位名叫“罗伯特·鲍尔斯”的男子,向警察投降后,屠杀才结束 。
He had “wanted all Jews to die,” he told a SWAT officer then, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case,
because Jews “were committing genocide against his people.”
因为犹太人“正在对他的民族实行种族灭绝 。”
The synagogue massacre on Saturday — one of the worst attacks against the Jewish community in the United States in decades —
hit at the heart of one of the country’s most vital Jewish neighborhoods.
就发生在该国最重要的犹太社区之一的核心地带 。
And it shook a nation in the homestretch of an exhausting and bitter political season that has seen rising vitriol and occasional threats of violence.
这个尖刻的抨击日渐高涨,不时还会升级为暴力威胁,耗费精力又充满仇恨的政治季节已经进入了关键阶段,此时爆发出来的大屠杀让整个国家都为之一震 。
Only a few days earlier, federal law enforcement agents had been called out in multiple states to investigate a series of pipe bombs mailed to Democratic critics of President Trump.
就在几天前,好几个州的联邦执法人员都已经被召集起来,调查多位批判特朗普的民主党人士收到邮件炸弹一事 。
Mayor Bill Peduto called the synagogue attack the “darkest day of Pittsburgh’s history.”
市长比尔·佩杜托称犹太教堂的袭击是“匹兹堡历史上的至暗时刻 。”
It began as a normal Saturday for the Tree of Life synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood, home to about one-fourth of the Jewish residents of greater Pittsburgh.
松鼠山社区居住着匹兹堡将近四分之一的犹太居民,这一天原本只是社区“生命之树”教堂一个普通的周六 。
As the population has aged and attendance has dwindled, three congregations — New Light, Tree of Life and Dor Hadash — have all come to call the synagogue home.
随着人口的老龄化和参加集会的人越来越少,社区的三个教会——新光,生命之树和多尔哈达什——的会众便全都到生命之树教堂去集会了 。
The New Light congregation met in a downstairs area in what is formally called the New Light Chapel.
新光教会的会众在楼下一个官方名为“新光礼拜堂”的地方集合 。
On a typical Shabbat, about 20 people would show up to worship at New Light, said Carl Solomon, who is a member, and many of those would trickle in late.
平常安息日,大约会有20人到新光做礼拜,卡尔·所罗门说,他也是新光教会的成员,这些人往往都是陆陆续续很晚才到 。
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1. escape with one's life 活着逃过一劫
He began to doubt whether he should escape with his life, so he remained, quietly lying where he was.
他甚至都开始怀疑能不能活着离开了 。所以他只能躺在那一动不动 。
2. rush in 冲进来
The door was flung open and there rushed in a paunchy middle-aged man, with inch-long hair cut close to his head.
大门猛然推开,一名只留有一寸长短发、腹大便便的中年男子冲了进来 。
3. put aside 搁置;把……放到一边
At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class.
在这样的危急关头,我们必须设法放下党派阶级的分歧 。
4. in the homestretch of/with 在……的最后阶段
We’re in the homestretch with this project and can’t change it now.
项目已经进入最后阶段,这个时候已经改不了了 。
