High up in the Cordillera mountains in the Philippines, in the village of Buscalan,
lives a woman who is the last of her kind.
生活着一位举世无双的女性 。
Mambabatok is the name given to the traditional tattoo artist of the Kalinga ethnic group.
Mambabatok是卡林加部落传统纹身艺术家的荣誉称号 。
The artists are masters of their thousand-year-old trade.
这些艺术家都是这项已有上千年历史的职业里的行家里手 。
Originally giving tattoos to warriors who won in battle.
最初,这种纹身是专给赢了战斗的人纹的 。
Every year thousands of tourists make the journey to see Whang-Od and get one of her famous tattoos.
每年,成千上万的游客一路风尘来到这里,只为观赏Whang-Od著名的纹身手艺,同时也给自己烙下一个 。
Whang-Od is now the last mambabatok, but she's teaching her grand niece to carry on the family tradition.
如今,Whang-Od已经是世间最后一位mambabatok,但她已经在教她的孙侄女继承这项家庭传统了 。