One of the newest additions to the skyline in Hamburg, Germany is a concert hall fit for a modern Mozart.
最近,一座能够与现代莫扎特相映成趣的音乐厅汇入了德国汉堡的天际线 。
The Elbphilharmonie is considered one of the largest and most acoustically advanced concert venues in the world.
易北爱乐音乐厅被认为是世界上规模最为宏大视听设备最为先进的音乐厅之一 。
Made up of three concert halls, the Elbphilharmonie seats more than 2,800 visitors.
该音乐厅有三个主厅,可容纳2800多名观众 。
The Great Concert Hall, the largest of the three halls, has 10,000 unique acoustic panels
that were designed using computer algorithms to create the best possible sound.
这些纤维板由计算机算法设计而成,专为实现最佳声响效果 。
Each panel contains one million cells that shape the sound by either absorbing the waves or having them reverberate through the space.
纤维板内含上百万各个单元,能够吸收声波或增强声波在厅内回荡的效果 。
The curved design of the cells can be seen replicated throughout the entire building.
天花板上设计的曲线风格也与厅内其他地方的设计遥相呼应 。
Not to be outdone, the glass exterior of The Elbphilharmonie built atop a former warehouse is just as spectacular as the interior.
易北爱乐音乐厅前身为一座仓库,如今在仓库上新装了玻璃外墙,外墙的设计同样精彩,堪称与音乐厅内部的设计不相上下 。
The structure rises above the Elbe River and mirrors the water's wave and shine.
这一建筑矗立在易北河畔,玻璃倒映着水面的粼粼波光 。
To mark the opening night, the exterior featured a light show timed to the music being played within The Great Hall.
为了庆祝音乐厅首演,音乐厅的外形上演了一场配合大音乐厅正在演奏的音乐的灯光秀 。
With multiple events almost every day, The Elbphilharmonie is a must see for music and math lovers a like.
这里每天都有数场活动,对爱好音乐或数学之类的人而言是一个不容错过的景点 。