In the waters around Sri Lanka, you'll find the world's only stilt fishermen.
斯里兰卡周围的水域有世界上唯一一群高跷渔民 。
Perched atop a handmade stilt driven into the sand, these fishermen are some of the last of their kind.
坐在手工制作并被稳稳地立在沙地里的高跷上,这些渔民已经是同类渔民的最后一批了 。
But for those who still fish, it is about carrying on a tradition only found in this part of the world.
然而,对那些仍在从事这份职业的人来说,事仅该地独有的一项传统的传承 。
The history of stilt fishing is said to go back to World War II,
when food shortages and a lack of proper boats caused fishermen to get creative for their catch.
那时,由于食物短缺,又没有合适的渔船,为了抓到鱼,渔民们便不得不发挥他们的奇思妙想 。
Fishing from a stick offshore helped them catch more fish.
到远离海滩的地方坐在棍子上钓鱼能给渔民们带来更大的收获 。
Fishing isn't as lucrative as it once was, so most stilt fishermen have other jobs to pay the bills but continue to stilt fish to keep the tradition alive.
如今的收获已经不如从前了,所以,为了养家糊口,大部分高跷渔民都已经转投其他行业了,但他们并没有因此放弃这一传统 。