日期:2018-10-13 05:38
When subjects in that card study found that they won,
those areas activated much more than when they were let down by their popopopo pokerface. Reference.
那些区域的激活程度远远高出了他们被他们的“扑-扑-扑-扑克脸”打败时的激活程度 。梗借住了吗?
Could be schadenfreude activated neurons, but remember, correlation does not equal causation.
可能是幸灾乐祸这种感觉激活的神经,不过,请记住,有关联并不等于是因果关联 。
So as always, more research is needed.
所以,还是那句话,研究者们还需进行进一步的研究 。
When we see a public figure take an L,
it quickly turns into a dragging competition on who can pull that person down the furthest.
情况很快就会演变成一场落井下石,看谁能把TA变得最惨的的比赛 。
This manifests all the way at the top with politics.
即使是出于最顶端的政治界也不乏这种现象 。
America's famous for their two-party system,
and humans already have a tendency to have trouble identifying with out-group members, preferring members of our own perceived tribes.
而人类又养成了更偏向于我们自己团体的成员继而很难认同圈外人的习惯 。
And when people from outside of our tribes take serious Ls, ding dong, schadenfreude here.
当自己团体意外的人倒大霉的时候,叮咚,我们就会产生幸灾乐祸的心态 。
A 2012 study found that participants felt more positive
when misfortunes befell a high-status competitive target as compared to other social targets with a less competitive streak.
当不幸的遭遇降临在地位较高的竞争目标身上时,参与者幸灾乐祸的感觉会更加明显 。
They discovered this by measuring participants facial muscles and found activity consistent with smiling.
他们通过检测参与者与微笑一致的面部肌肉活动发现了这一点 。
Politicians are running for the highest position of power in the country.
政客们彼此争夺的是国家最高的权力地位 。
If they crash, it's normally at high speed and research suggests that we enjoy it.
他们要是倒台起来,速度往往会非常快,而研究表明,我们很喜欢看他们倒台 。
That same study suggests that schadenfreude decreases when a target group member is of a low status or is cooperative and learns from their mistakes
上述研究还表明,当目标队员地位较低或者是合作关系时,我们就不会那么幸灾乐祸,反而会从他们的错误中吸取教训 。
So it's no fun to punch down, only up. Good note for comedians.
所以,针对比你地位低的人没什么意思,针对比你地位高的人才有意思 。这点喜剧演员们可要记好了 。Political affiliation has become a sort of tribe identifier in recent years.
近年来,政治派别已经成了一种部落标记符号了 。
In the last few elections, it always felt like a win for one party was a loss for the opposing party, when we live in one whole ass country.
就最近的几次选举来看,似乎一个党派的胜利就等于另一个党派的失败,尽管我们特么的分明都生活在一个国家 。
When President Bush won in 2000, it was perceived as the Democrats losing.
布什总统2000年选举胜利时,人们便认为民主党选举失败了 。
When Obama won in 2008, a loss for the GOP.
奥巴马08年选举胜利时,人们便觉得共和党选举失败了 。
A 2009 paper looked directly at schadenfreude and political affiliations in four studies,
and across all four studies, participants' political party affiliation and the intensity of in-group identification within those parties
strongly predicted whether their emotional reactions to news articles describing misfortunes happening to others produce schadenfreude.
强烈预示了他们对描述发生在他人身上的不幸的新闻文章的反应是否有幸灾乐祸的成分 。
Basically, stronger political allegiances correlated with more laughs at the opposing political party's misfortunes.
大体而言,对所属政党越忠诚,笑话对立党的不幸就会越厉害 。
Schadenfreude has also been linked with anti-empathy, or the opposite of empathy.
幸灾乐祸还被和反移情,也即移情的反面,联系了起来 。
Some people really deserve it, like bullies, criminals, racists, sexists, people with way too much power.
有些人的确是罪有应得,比如那些爱欺负别人的人呐,犯罪分子啦,种族主义者啦,性别歧视者啦,还有那些只手遮天的人 。
Sometimes that's all the same person.
有时候这些人根本就是同一个人 。
And they will get what's coming to them.
恶人有恶报,不是不报,时候未到 。
But remember, research found that schadenfreude punches up, not down.
然而,请记住,研究发现幸灾乐祸针对的是那些地位高的而不是地位低的人 。
If a more perfect union is the goal here, schadenfreude ain't it.
如果我们的目标是建立一个更完美的联盟,幸灾乐祸就 。
Okay, enough of this enjoying other people's failures.
好吧,幸灾乐祸我们已经讨论得够深入了 。
I mean, what if there was a way to use neuroscience of the brain to do some good? To like...Positively influence people.
如果有办法让大脑神经科学发挥积极作用会怎么样呢?比如...用来正面引导大家 。
Oh, wait right here in this video. You're nerds. Watch it.
哈,这个视频就讲到了 。你个呆子 。快去看吧 。
And while you're watching it, make sure you go down a little bell down there and hit subscribe.
还有,看的时候不要忘了点击下面的关注按钮关注我们 。
We love you.
爱你们哟 。