The phrase "lost continent" always makes me wonder, how exactly does one "lose" a whole continent?
Like, where did it go?
Scientists have spent nearly 10 years piecing this together:
a frame-by-frame breakdown of 240 million years of history to give us a picture of a lost continent they're calling Greater Adria.
他们逐帧逐帧地分析了2.4亿年的历史,就为了给我们呈现出所谓“大阿德里亚”大陆失落的来龙去脉 。
And, it turns out, it's not truly gone…it's underneath us.
事实表明,这块大陆并没有真正消失……而是跑到我们下面去了 。
Well, mostly underneath southern Europe.
嗯,准确地说,是大部分都跑到南欧下面了 。
But let's go back to the beginning.
我们还是从头说起吧 。
About 240 million years ago, this Greenland-sized land mass was part of the Gondwana supercontinent,
wedged in with its North African and European counterparts.
与北非大陆和欧洲大陆是兄弟大陆 。
About 20 million years later,
it decided to make a break for it and started separating from Africa,
and in another 40 million years it became a truly independent continent.
又过了4000万年,它终于成了实实在在的独立大陆 。
We don"t know a whole lot about what it was like,
but researchers are pretty sure it was largely submerged,
maybe with some bits sticking up here and there.
偶尔有这儿一块那儿一块还露在上面 。
This is because they"ve found that for most of history, almost all of it was covered in marine sediments.
这也是为什么研究者们会发现,这块大陆在它存在的大部分时间里,几乎都是被海洋沉积物覆盖着的原因 。
Until about 100 million years ago, that is, when it started to go "crunch".
直到大约1亿万年前,也就是,它开始“摊牌”的时候 。
On its journey towards self discovery, floating about on the Earth's surface thanks to continental drift,
Greater Adria encountered what is now southern Europe.
漂着漂着就漂到了南欧边儿上 。
And when tectonic plates encounter each other, one plate has to go under the other, which is called subduction.
两个构造板块相遇时,一个板块必须从另一个板块下方穿过,也就是所谓的“潜没” 。
This process can be relatively short,
where one plate doesn't go very far under the other, or one continent can be totally subsumed by the other.
因为下去的那个板块下降得并不是很深,而有时,下去的那个板块会被上面的那个完全覆盖掉 。
This process of continental collision often smooshes the plates up to form mountains, like the Himalayas.
大陆板块碰撞的这种过程通常会使板块拱起来变成大山,喜马拉雅山就是这么形成的 。
In the case of Greater Adria, it meets southern Europe
and it shatters into pieces and is sucked under its opposing continental plate,
where it gets officially "lost" in Earth's syrupy mantle.
由此,它便正式从地球糖浆状的地幔里“消失”了 。
But as it goes, its top layer gets scraped off and shoved up, instead of down,
forming part of the Apennine mountains in central Italy.
变成了意大利中部的亚平宁山脉的一部分 。
This is how we get marine fossils on top of mountains—
those marine sediment layers on the top of a continent like Greater Adria
gets scraped off during subduction and carried upward by mountain formation.
会在潜没的过程中被刮掉,接着又在山脉形成的过程中被推上来 。
Colliding plates are a messy and chaotic business,
and these relics of a lost continent, mostly chunks of limestone, are sprinkled all over the Mediterranean.
失落大陆的这些遗迹,大部分都变成了大块大块的石灰岩散布在了地中海各处 。
This means the continental remnants are spread out across borders.
这就意味着失落大陆的遗迹会跨越国界而存在 。
Geoscience agencies tend to have developed their own logic and ways of talking about these kinds of geological processes,
so piecing all of it together to form a whole picture was challenging in ways even beyond the science.
也就是说,将所有这些拼凑成一个完整的图景不止是一个科学难题 。
These hurdles were partly why this data took so long to amass,
一定程度而言,科学家们之所以花了这么久才得出上述数据也是因为存在这些障碍 。
but also just because of the sheer number of pieces of the continent there were to puzzle together.
还有就是需要拼凑的板块碎片实在是太多了 。
Each sample of rock from this continent—its size, shape, composition—is its own data point,
and from there the researchers could reverse-engineer the path of the continent as it met its demise.
有了这些数据点,研究者们才能逆向追溯板块终结的历史 。
Because even though what we're talking about sounds quite cataclysmic and violent,
all of this motion is happening over tens of millions of years.
事实上,整个过程其实经历了数千万年的时间 。
So when the researchers say they think that Greater Adria spun counterclockwise as it subducted down into the depths,
we're talking about 3-4 centimeters per year rate of change in position.
那我们讨论的其实是一年才走了3~4cm这样的一个潜没节奏 。
And there's other exciting work that's excavating evidence of lost continents!
This same research team has also used seismic waves to pulse the mantle to generate an image,
a little bit like a medical imaging scan, to see what's hanging out in the Earth's mantle.
跟医学成像扫描有点儿像,试图弄清地幔的成分 。
They are creating what they like to call "an atlas of the underworld",
or the first complete mapping of subducted tectonic plates that have ended up in the Earth's mantle.
届时,他们绘制出的就是首个最终进入地幔的潜没的构造板块的地图 。
Using these methods, they've seen evidence of Greater Adria up to 1500 km below the surface of the Earth.
通过这些手段,研究人员已经找到了证据,表明大阿德里亚古陆潜没的深度可能达到了1500km 。
"Deep stuff."
If you want more on crazy cool things lurking below Earth's crust, check out this video here,
and make sure you subscribe to Seeker for all of your groundbreaking geoscience discoveries!
Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.
感谢大家的收看,我们下次节目再见 。