Hey I'm trace and this is dNews and I think that this might be the heaviest I've ever been.
嘿,大家好,我是Trace,欢迎大家收看dNews,现在可能是我最重的时候了 。
I love Turkey.
没办法,我就是喜欢火鸡啊 。
But, you know, I'm okay with it, like its fun sides, you have to eat more of them.
可是,你知道嘛,我其实并不介意这事,从好的方面来说,不吃不行啊 。
Overall, I'm pretty happy.
总的来说,我还是挺开心的 。
It is the holidays, which means that we eat, and then we continue to eat,
and then we go ahead and we go somewhere else and then we eat.
吃吃吃,然后换个地方接着吃吃吃 。
While all this food doesn't increase our weight that much, the New England Journal of Medicine says, about a pound on average,
there are other things to be concerned about, when it comes to weight.
但说到体重这个问题,也还是有一些方面需要引起我们的注意的 。
Our ideal weight is increasing as time goes by,
which means we get fatter and then we're okay with being fat,
and then we're getting fatter and then we're okay with it still, and then we're getting fatter.
然后继续变胖,继续接受,再继续变胖 。
Since 1990 Americans have increased in weight, an average of about a dozen pounds,
which means that 20 years ago, the average person weight a dozen pounds less than you do now.
也就是说,20年前,人均体重比现在少12磅 。
The thing is most Americans are happily overweight.
问题是,大多数美国人都胖得挺开心的 。
In 1990 if you ask that person how much they would like to weigh,
they would say an ideally you know 10 to 15 pounds lighter, which is what we still say today.
他们会说,最好瘦个10~15磅(9~14斤),今天你要这么问,大家的答案也还是一样 。
20 years later, a dozen pounds heavier and we still say the same thing.
就算再过20年,我们再长12磅,我们也还是会这么说 。
Why is our ideal weight waxing fatter along with the actual weight?
Well, Gallup says it's because of weight denial.
盖洛普公司的调查显示,是因为人们拒绝减肥 。
You know, if exercise wasn't such hard work, maybe we would.
如果锻炼不那么辛苦的话,也许我们也还是会减的好嘛 。
Gym memberships are expensive and...I've got things to do.
办卡又那么贵,更何况……本宝宝忙着呢 。
Essentially we know maybe, maybe a bit overweight, but I look good.
其实我们也知道,我们可能,我是说可能有点超重了,但我看着挺正点的啊 。
Another way to put it is that we are self delusional.
换句话说,我们会自我幻想 。
No really. I look good.
才没有 。我真的看着挺正的 。
Not to mention ideal weight is kind of tough to put your finger on.
理想的体重又很难确定,这点就更不必说了 。
The ideal weight for a grown person isn't the same as for a child, isn't the same as for a grandma, isn't the same as for a grandpa.
因为成年人的理想体重和孩子的理想体重是不一样的,和老奶奶的也不一样,和老爷爷的又不一样 。
Now before you cry foul and say I'm heavy and happy, so, you know, go away,
there is a difference between unhealthy and healthy weight and it has nothing to do with fashion magazines.
不健康的体重和健康的体重还是有区别的,其标准和时尚杂志也没有半毛钱关系 。
So keep that in mind before you grab another piece of pie this holiday season.
所以,这个假期你吃下一块馅饼之前,请记住这一点 。
You know, or not, because pie is delicious.
不记也没关系,毕竟,是派先动的手啊 。
But do keep in mind a healthy body mass index or BMI.
不过,健康的体质指数,简称BMI,大家务必要放在心上 。
The body mass index is a ratio between your height and your weight.
体质指数就是身高和体重的比值 。
And if this ratio falls between 18 and a half and 24.9, and you are considered normal weight.
如果你的BMI在18.5~24.9之间,就是正常体重 。
If you fall outside of that, you're either underweight or overweight and neither is good for you.
如果不在这个范围内,那你要么就是太轻,要么就是太重了,而这两种情况都对你没有好处 。
You can find a bunch of places online that will help you calculate your BMI for free, just don't lie about your weight.
网上有很多免费帮你算BMI的网站,但请大家不要谎报体重 。
Because, well, that would ruin the whole experiment.
那样就没意思了好嘛 。
As a fun thought, what happens when we move to another planet like Mars, or the moon,
you know, their gravity's different, so their weight is different,
if you weighed 200 pounds here on earth, you'd weigh like 75 on Mars, instant diet.
如果你在地球上重200磅(约180斤),那你在火星上就是75磅(68斤),堪称瞬间节食 。
Weight can be a controversial topic, so if you've got an opinion, make sure you leave it in the comments below.
体重这个话题有时还挺有争议的,所以,如果你有什么看法的话,请一定在下面留言评论 。
And also check out the description for a link to see how much you would weigh on other planets, pretty cool.
也可以点开下面的链接,看看你在其他星球上是多少磅,还挺有意思的 。
Don't forget to subscribe to dNews, so you can get our videos all day every day.
最后,别忘了订阅dNews,这样你就能每天都能看到我们的视频啦 。
I'm Trace, thanks for watching catch you later.
感谢大家的收看,我们下期节目再见啦 。