At that same hearing, the director of the FBI confirmed that a supplemental background check of Brett Kavanaugh was limited.
在同一场听证会上,FBI局长证实对布雷特·卡瓦诺的追加背景调查十分有限 。
Its focus was on sexual assault allegations against the U.S. Supreme Court nominee.
调查重点是针对大法官候选人的性侵指控 。
Wray testified today that the White House set the limit, but he suggested that wasn't unusual.
雷今天证实白宫设定了限制,但他表明此举很常见 。
Our supplemental update to the previous background investigation was limited in scope.
我们对此前的背景调查进行了补充,但范围很有限 。
And that is consistent with the standard process for such investigations going back quite a long ways.
这与此前调查此类案件的标准流程相符 。
And I have spoken with our background investigation specialists
and they have assured me that this was handled in the way that is consistent with their experience and the standard process.
他们向我保证到,此种处理方法与他们的经验和一般流程相吻合 。
Wray declines to give specifics or say if the FBI had investigated whether Kavanaugh lied under oath.
雷没有提到具体细节,或者提到FBI是否对卡瓦诺宣誓时说谎进行调查 。
The Supreme Court heard arguments today over detaining immigrants convicted of crimes.
关于扣押犯罪移民问题,最高法院今天听取了意见 。
The case centers on people given green cards and allowed to live and work in the U.S. permanently.
这一问题的关注点是获取绿卡或准许永久居留和工作的移民 。
The U.S. government says, if they break U.S. laws, they can be held indefinitely pending deportation.
政府表示称如果他们触犯了法律,他们将无限期面临驱逐风险 。
The green card holders say they deserve hearings to argue for their release while their deportation cases proceed.
绿卡持有者称在面临驱逐的同时,他们理应举行听证会,讨论释放问题 。
President Trump is stepping up attacks on Democrats over a universal health care proposal known as Medicare for all.
关于所谓的全民医保提议,总统特朗普继续抨击民主党人 。
He wrote in "USA Today" that it would "eviscerate" existing benefits for seniors.
他在《今日美国》中写道,此举将让年长者失去现有福利 。
Democrats argue it would increase coverage.
民主党称这将增加医保覆盖范围 。
The president also signed legislation aimed at cutting prescription drug prices.
总统还签署了旨在降低处方药价格法规 。
And the Justice Department gave initial approval to letting pharmacy giant CVS Health merge with health insurer Aetna.
关于药店巨头“CVS健康”和健康保险公司安泰合并一事,司法部给出了初步批准 。
The move is valued at 69 billion dollars.
合并价格为690亿美金 。
The companies say the deal will cut costs by encouraging patients to visit walk-in clinics and CVS outlets.
两家公司称此举将降低开销,鼓励病人前往非预约诊所和CVS专营店 。
Some consumer groups warn it could limit choice and drive up prices.
许多消费组织警告称,此举将限制选择性,提升价格 。
Under the deal, Aetna will sell its Medicare drug plan business.
合并将使安泰售卖Medicare医保药物计划 。