A tsunami in Indonesia washed away homes today and left an unknown number of people missing.
印尼海啸冲垮了房屋,失踪人数不详 。
An earthquake sent a wave of up to 10 feet high crashing into the coast of Sulawesi,
striking the coast of Palu and a smaller town.
重创了帕卢沿岸和一座小城镇 。
We have a report from Geraint Vincent of Independent Television News.
请听独立电视新闻杰兰特·文森特的报道 。
The sun is setting on a seaside town on the island of Sulawesi.
在苏拉威西岛的一座海滨城镇,太阳照常落下 。
But the ocean is about to shatter the evening's calm. A wave starts to roll across the sand.
但这片大海将扰乱这里的宁静,海浪将卷起沙滩 。
In the places where people have sought refuge, there's panic.
人们寻找庇护所,场面一片慌乱 。
The water crashes through the beachside cafe and onto the streets,
into the grounds of a mosque, where the earlier earthquake has already caused the roof to collapse.
冲进了清真寺,早间的地震已造成房屋倒塌 。
After nightfall, on the other side of the island, people who were injured in the quake made it to hospital.
夜幕降临后,岛屿的另一侧,地震受伤人员被送往医院 。
But the fear of aftershocks and another building collapse meant that they were treated outside.
但人们担心余震和房屋倒塌,许多伤病者不得不在外医治 。
The safest place to sleep is out in the open.
最安全的休息场所是户外 。
Indonesian officials say that power cuts have made it difficult to assess the scale of the damage,
but that houses were swept away by the tidal wave and that families have been reported missing
along the many fault lines which stretch across this part of the earth.
这些都发生在地震裂缝附近,这片地区布满了地震缝 。
Counting the cost of the latest quake will have to wait until daylight returns.
计算地震损失不得不等到天亮之后 。
That report from Geraint Vincent of Independent Television News.
这是独立电视新闻杰兰特·文森特的报道 。
A former Vatican diplomatic accused Pope Francis today of waging a subtle slander campaign against him.
前梵蒂冈外交家指责教皇方济各通过不易察觉的方式诋毁他 。
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has claimed a cover-up
involving former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and alleged sexual misconduct.
这牵涉前美国枢机主教麦卡里克,他与性侵问题有关 。
In a new letter today, Vigano said the pope compared him to Satan in recent remarks,
and he said Vatican silence about a cover-up only confirms it.
称梵蒂冈对这一隐瞒的沉默只能证实它是真的 。
Iranian government fired back today at Israeli accusations that it has a secret atomic warehouse.
以色列指责伊朗拥有秘密原子仓库,伊朗政府今天给予回击 。
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the claim at the U.N.
以总理内塔亚胡在联合国发表该言论 。
Today, Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, dismissed the presentation as "an arts and crafts show".
今天,伊朗外长扎里夫称此举是“艺术和手工艺展” 。
Back in this country, Facebook reports that hackers have compromised 50 million of its user accounts.
国内方面,脸书报道称黑客泄露了五千万用户账号 。
The tech giant said today that the attackers used a Facebook function that lets users see how their profiles appear to others.
该科技巨头今天表示称,袭击者利用了脸书的一项功能,该功能可以访问用户账号 。
Facebook said it doesn't know who was behind the cyber-attack or if any hacked accounts were misused.
脸书称不知道谁发动了此次网络袭击,或是否被盗账号被滥用 。