This butterfly was once thought to be extinct.
人们一度认为,这只蝴蝶已经绝迹 。
Though rediscovered, it remains one of the world's rarest and most elusive butterflies.
虽然已经被重新发现,它仍然是世界上最稀有,行踪也最神秘的蝴蝶之一 。
This is the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly.
它就是帕洛斯韦尔德蓝蝶 。
This butterfly is as elusive as it is beautiful.
这种蝴蝶有多美丽,就有多难寻觅 。
And the brilliance of its blue wings are only visible when it opens them.
它的蓝色翅膀光彩熠熠,非张开不能见 。
The wings are distinctive with their brilliant silvery blue color.
与明亮的银蓝色身体相映成趣 。
The butterfly was thought to be extinct in the 1980s, when it seemed to disappear without a trace.
上世纪80年代,这种蝴蝶似乎消失得无影无踪了,人们便以为它已经灭绝了 。
It wasn't until the 1990s that this visually striking butterfly was spotted again.
直到90年代,人们才再次发现这种长相十分夺目的蝴蝶 。
Biologists were surprised and delighted in its existence.
它的存在让生物学家惊讶兴奋不已 。
And a breeding program was begun to build up the species.
于是,人们便发起了一项壮大这一物种的培养计划 。
Though captive breeding has helped bolster numbers, the population is still low enough to remain on the endangered list.
虽然人工养殖确实增加了蓝蝶的数量,但总数仍然很低,以致这一物种仍在名列濒危物种行列 。
Through careful nurturing and management, this small but mighty butterfly has a fighting chance.
不过,通过精心培育和管理,这只微小但有着绝世容颜的蝴蝶仍有机会奋力一搏 。
This is the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly.
这就是帕洛斯韦尔德蓝蝶 。