Hailing McCain, Two Presidents Diverge from a Third
By Peter Baker
He drove them crazy.
他让大家抓狂 。
He berated them on the way to the White House and badgered them once they got there.
在去白宫的路上他就斥责了他们,到了白宫就开始纠缠着他们不放 。
He stood by them when he thought they were right and tore at their heels when he was convinced they were wrong.
认为他们是对的那会儿,他支持他们;确信他们错了的时候,他就搅得他们鸡犬不宁 。
And when it came time to depart this world, John McCain wanted them to tell his story.
而当他是时候告别这个世界时,约翰·麦凯恩希望他们公开自己的故事 。
Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama,
the two men who thwarted Mr. McCain’s ambitions to become commander in chief,
stood one after the other before the nation’s elite at Washington National Cathedral on Saturday to honor the man they beat,
extolling him as a one-of-a-kind figure the likes of which will not be seen again anytime soon.
称他是举世无双的奇人,而他这样的人近期已经不会再出现了 。
That they were asked, and not the current president, spoke volumes about the man and the moment.
被邀请的是两位前总统,而非现任总统,这一点充分说明了麦凯恩先生的为人以及当下的问题 。
And while neither explicitly mentioned President Trump,
who, uninvited and unwelcome, went golfing instead,
their tributes could hardly be heard without the unspoken contrast to the current occupant of the Oval Office,
a message amplified by a more overt rebuke from the senator’s daughter.
而麦凯恩参议员的女儿公开的斥责又放大了这一点 。
"So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse, can seem small and mean and petty,
trafficking in bombast and insult, in phony controversies and manufactured outrage," Mr.Obama said.
“在吹嘘和侮辱中,在虚假的争议和人为制造的愤怒中被贩卖 。”奥巴马先生说道 。
"It’s a politics that pretends to be brave, but in fact is born of fear.
“我们的政治只是在假装勇敢,实际上不过是源于恐惧的政治 。
John called us to be bigger than that. He called us to be better than that."
约翰呼吁我们做得更好,他呼吁我们突破这种政治 。”
Mr. Bush praised Mr. McCain for his "courage and decency,"
an exemplar of the storied American values of standing up to bullying and oppression.
称他是“不畏强权、反抗压迫”这一著名美国价值观的典范 。
"If we are ever tempted to forget who we are, to grow weary of our cause,
John’s voice will always come as a whisper over our shoulder —
we are better than this, America is better than this," Mr. Bush said.
我们可以更好的,美国可以更好的,”布什先生说到 。
If their better-than-this eulogies were widely seen as an implicit reproach of Mr. Trump,
Meghan McCain left no mystery who she had in mind with a powerful, emotional, sobbing remembrance of her father
that also sounded like a defiant cridecoeur against the tycoon-turned-president who once belittled the senator’s wartime service.
仿佛是对那位出身大亨,曾经贬低她父亲战时的服役的总统发出了公开的挑衅 。
"We gather here," she said, "to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing,
not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly,
nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served."
也不是某些人投机取巧的拨款,父亲受苦受难为国家为人民服务的时候,他们却在享受着荣华富贵 。”
Mocking Mr. Trump’s favorite slogan, she later declared:
"The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great."
“约翰·麦凯恩时代的美国不需要复兴,因为美国一直都很强大 。”
The audience then burst out in applause, something that rarely happens during the traditionally solemn funerals held at the cathedral.
此语引发了观众雷鸣般的掌声,在大教堂举行庄严的传统式葬礼时,此情此景,实属少见 。
While Mr. Trump was absent, political figures from both parties made their way to the house of worship on a dreary, overcast and humid morning.
They came to bid farewell to John Sidney McCain III,
son and grandson of admirals, naval aviator, tortured prisoner, congressman, six-term senator,
two-time presidential candidate, patriot, maverick, reformer, warrior, curmudgeon, father, husband and finally, in death, American icon.
也是两届总统候选人,他忠心爱国,特立独行,崇尚改革,他是一名勇士,也是一个守财奴,他为人父,为人夫,最后,他作为美国的旗帜,离开了这个世界 。
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1. put forth by 由……提出
Regarding the views and proposals put forth by the community , the Task Force will handle them in a highly transparent manner .
就社会各界所表达的意见和建议,专责小组会透明地处理 。
2. go much further than doing sth. 远不止
I call them “peace operations” because they go so much further than simple peacekeeping.
我称其为“和平行动”,因为这些举措远不止是为了维持和平 。
3. yet another 另一个
Subsequently, he or she may travel to yet another country, where the attack is carried out.
接下来,他或她可能还会去被袭击的别的国家 。
4. box in 围困
Well, I guess I'm not leaving yet because that van is boxing in my car.
我之所以还没开走是因为那辆货车在别我 。