Far away, at the fabled ‘edge of the world’ the natural wonders of Patagonia await.
在遥远的“世界尽头”,巴塔哥尼亚的自然美景正在等候您的光临 。
This last frontier of South America slopes down from The Andes towards Antarctica, covering the sparsely inhabited southern regions of both Chile and Argentina.
这片南美洲的乐土,从安第斯山脉向下延伸至南极洲,覆盖了智利及阿根廷南部人烟稀少的地区 。
No destination captures the imagination like Patagonia. This is a land of legendary beauty, where Mother Nature runs the show.
再也没有任何地方像巴塔哥尼亚一样,美得超乎您想象 。在这片令人叹为观止的世外桃源中,大自然赋予了史诗般的美景 。
Prepare to feel dwarfed by the mighty volcanoes, towering glaciers and floating icebergs that are sure to cross your path.
In this remote region, even the most firmly planted human footprint is soon covered under blankets of snow, erased by westerly winds, or washed away by lapping waves.
在这里,即使是最坚实的人类足迹,不是在短时间内被大雪所覆盖,就是被强劲的西风刮走,或是被层叠而来的波浪冲走 。
With its mosaic of green steppe plains and blue mountain lakes, framed by wooded hills of ever-changing colors, Patagonia paints a mesmerizing picture.
有如镶嵌般精致的绿色草原及湛蓝的湖光山色,和层林尽染的繁茂山岭一起构成了巴塔哥尼亚迷人的风景 。
White-capped peaks of silvery mountains puncture the horizon, while soaring condors and solitary ‘gauchos’ bring this seemingly spellbound landscape to life.
覆盖着皑皑白雪的银白色山脉仿佛欲刺破天际,而天空翱翔的秃鹰以及孤独的牧人则为这里神奇的景观更增添了几分活力 。
This untamed land has moods as changeable as the weather and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting.
这片荒凉之地时常犹如气候般变幻莫测,崎岖不平的道路及荒凉的环境同时又美得令人窒息 。
Everything south of here is too harsh for human settlement and it’s this “Edge of the World” feeling that has captivated intrepid souls for centuries…
越往南走越荒凉的环境不适宜人居,但正是那种“世界尽头”的感觉,数个世纪以来吸引了大量无畏的勇士们前来一睹芳容 。
First to arrive was the 16th-century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who named the region “Patagonia”: “the land of the bigfeet”.
首位踏足此地的是16世纪的葡萄牙探险家费迪南麦哲伦,他将此地命名为“巴塔哥尼亚”,在西班牙语中意即“大脚怪之地” 。
Some 300 years later, a young Charles Darwin contributed to the myth that this was once a land of giants by collecting the remains of huge extinct animals.
大约300年之后,年轻的生物学家查尔斯达尔文在这里收集到了已灭绝巨型物种的残骸,更为巴塔哥尼亚增添了神秘的气息 。
Now, almost two centuries later, Patagonia is still a place of discovery. While the region has become much easier to reach, its mythical appeal remains.
至今已过去两个世纪了,巴塔哥尼亚仍然是一个值得探索的好去处 。虽然抵达此地更为容易便捷了,但它那神秘的魅力依旧不减 。
Whether you set out on a road trip, or explore its far corners by cruise ship or plane, this is bound to be the journey of a lifetime.
无论您是驾车前来旅游,亦或是搭乘游艇、飞机来此探险,这次旅行都注定令您终生难忘 。
On the Argentinean side, one of Patagonia’s most relaxing day trips takes you from sleepy San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura.
在阿根廷这端,安排一趟最悠闲的巴塔哥尼亚一日游,带您从宁静的圣马丁德洛斯安第斯游览到拉安戈斯图拉镇 。
Simply follow the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes, which takes in two water-rich national parks.
只需沿着风景如画的七湖之路而行,便可到达两个充满水上色彩的国家公园 。
This road trip will bring you to San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular mountain resort on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi.
这趟公路之旅将带您前往纳韦尔瓦皮湖南岸的热门山区度假村——圣卡洛斯德巴里洛切 。
The town has all the facilities and outdoor pursuits of the Swiss Alps… without the price tag.
小镇上有众多旅游设施和户外消遣活动,而且都是免费的 。
When roaming south along the famous Ruta 40, take a detour to the town of El Chaltén: Argentina’s trekking capital in the southern Andes.
沿着著名的40号公路向南前行的过程中,不妨绕道前往位于安第斯山脉以南的阿根廷远足圣地——埃尔查尔滕小镇 。
Hike to the idyllic Laguna Capri or to even higher lookout points to gaze up at the moody Fitz Roy mountain.
徒步前往充满田园风光的拉古纳卡布里,或者更高的地方凝望变幻莫测的菲茨罗伊山 。
Other trails provide scenic views of the jagged peaks of Cerro Torre, which only few dare to climb.
在其他小径上也可观赏到锯齿状山峰的托雷峰美景,由于海拔之高,仅有少数人敢于攀登 。
Spend the night in El Calafate, just a few hours to the south.
仅向南几个小时的路程,便可到达埃尔卡拉法特于此地住宿一晚 。
Stock up on supplies and try the regional specialty of “asado”, whole lamb grilled over an open fire.
先在此充实补给,再品尝当地特色美食“阿根廷烤肉”,一种炭火烤全羊 。
El Calafate is nestled on the southern shores of Lago Argentino, the gateway lake to Los Glaciares National Park.
埃尔卡拉法特坐落于阿根廷湖的南部海岸,位于冰川国家公园内 。
Embark on an epic journey to one of the nature’s greatest gifts: the Perito Moreno glacier.
开启一趟史诗般的大自然巨作之行,踏足莫雷诺冰川 。
If ice trekking over its slippery surface doesn’t warm you up, perhaps a whiskey “on the rocks” will…
如果走在那光滑的冰面上还不够刺激,或许来一杯加冰的威士忌会更好 。
From the safety of a nearby viewing platform, observe the ever-changing face of its terminus, which reaches some 200 feet above sea level.
从附近安全的观景台处可以观赏到最远处千变万化的景色,冰川高出海平面约200英尺 。
This glacier is the world’s third-largest freshwater reserve.
这里是世界上第三大淡水保护区 。
Most Perito Moreno tours also take in the milky waters of Canal Upsala,
nature’s own exhibit space for some the most spectacular sculptures on Earth: floating icebergs shaped by water and wind.
这一大自然作品展是地球上最壮丽的雕塑作品:水与风共同塑造的浮动冰山 。