One of the city’s most loved assets is its 19-mile long promenade, La Rambla.
兰布拉大道是全市最受欢迎的一条19英里长的步行大道 。
As you follow it along, from the Old Town to the outer suburbs, the walkway changes names often… but never its appeal.
沿路而行,从老城区至远郊地区,虽然会因其行经的地区不同而变换名称,但其迷人的风采却丝毫未变 。
Enjoy the community atmosphere in the late afternoon, when office workers and students spill out of the city to gather here for sunset.
想融入当地的人文风情,可以在傍晚时分与上班族及学生们一起在此欣赏美丽的黄昏 。
As they say, it’s often the journey that teaches you the most about your destination.
有言,令人受益最多的莫过于旅程而非目的地 。
So, leave Montevideo behind for a little road trip and soak up some history along the way.
那就离开蒙得维的亚开启一段公路旅行,沿途了解当地的历史 。
A great place to start is Colonia del Sacramento, just a few hours to the west of Montevideo by car.
科洛尼亚·德尔萨克拉门托城就是最佳选择了,离蒙得维的亚以西仅几小时车程 。
Enter the riverside settlement over the drawbridge of the Portón de Campo, the impressive city gate.
穿过一个令人印象深刻的老城门吊桥,就进入了一个河边小镇 。
Wander Colonia’s cobblestoned tree-lined streets to take in the simple beauty of days gone by.
漫步在科洛尼亚绿树成荫的鹅卵石街道上,欣赏往昔的美景 。
For lunch, find a table at an al-fresco seafood restaurant or take a seat in Colonia’s popular Drugstore Café.
午餐时,找一家露天的海鲜餐厅或科洛尼亚著名的杂货咖啡店用餐 。
The city’s most iconic landmark is its idyllic lighthouse, set atop the ruins of a 17th-century convent.
这个小镇上最具标志性的建筑就是一座建于17世纪的修道院废墟遗址上的灯塔 。
Make your way up to its lantern room and look out over the town and over the water towards Buenos Aires.
登上灯塔,可以俯瞰整个城镇的景观,亦可远眺布宜诺斯艾利斯方向的海景 。
Basking in the last rays of the day, the colonial charm of this little peninsula becomes even more authentic in the late afternoon.
沉醉于落日余晖中,这座小岛的殖民风情在傍晚时分显得更加真切 。
Hard as it may be to leave such a dreamy place behind, it’s time to enjoy some of the country’s historic beach resorts.
虽然这个如梦如幻般的地方令您流连忘返,但也是时候去体验下悠久的海滩度假村了 。
Take a road trip along the coastal towns to the east of Montevideo for a chance to really get off the beaten track.
驾车沿着海岸向蒙得维的亚以东进发,去往人迹罕至的地方 。
Piriápolis is a local favorite, with nice beaches and great coastal views from its hilltop San Antonio Temple.
皮里亚波利斯深受当地人喜爱,从山顶的圣安东尼奥寺可饱览海岸美景 。
While there, view the Castle of Piria, the opulent mansion of a rich local who founded the city in 1890.
还有一定要参观皮里亚城堡,这一华丽的宫殿是1890年当地的富豪所建造的 。
From Piriápolis, it’s few hour’s by car to La Paloma, another 19th-century beach resort centered around its eye-catching lighthouse on the Cabo de Santa María peninsula.
从皮里亚波利斯出发驱车几小时就到了另一个19世纪的度假胜地拉帕洛马,最吸睛的莫过于圣玛利亚半岛上的灯塔了 。
Another recommended stopover on your way to Uruguay’s east coast is Punta Ballena.
在前往乌拉圭东海岸途中另一处不可错过的景点的便是蓬塔巴耶纳了 。
The small peninsula is home to Casapueblo, one of South America's most awe-inspiring hotels.
这座小岛上坐落着全美洲最令人惊艳的酒店“卡萨普埃布洛” 。
Local artist Carlos Páez Vilaró, who created it as his workshop and living space, was inspired by the way local hornero birds shape their nest.
它是当地著名的艺术家卡洛斯.帕艾斯.比拉罗,根据当地的灶鸟筑巢的方式为自己建造的工作室及住宅 。
After his death his life’s work became a museum and the artistic rooms are rented out to guests.
在其去世后,他的工作室变成了博物馆,而其充满艺术气息的房间则全都向客人们出租 。
When you reach the lighthouse of Punta del Este, you’ve arrived at the easternmost point of the inlet, where the “Silver River” meets the Atlantic Ocean.
当您抵达埃斯特角城的灯塔时,您已经到达了河流入海口的最东端,“白银之河”即拉普拉塔河在此汇入大西洋 。
Punta del Este is one of those resort towns that reaches out to those who love the simple pleasures in life.
埃斯特角城度假小镇,最适合喜欢单纯、快乐生活的游客 。
As with any journey, it’s often the little things that stay with you the most.
就如同任何一次旅行,正是那些微不足道的小事令人印象深刻 。
Although Uruguay may be small, its big heart…. and relaxing vibe…. create a lifetime of memories.
乌拉圭虽然面积小,但却包容并蓄、怡然自得,定会为您留下终生难忘的回忆 。
Every time you feel a sea breeze, get a whiff of a smoking grill, or see the shimmering outline of a setting sun…. you will think of Uruguay, and smile.
每当您感受到拂面而来的海风、闻到烧烤的香味、或看到耀眼的夕阳,就会想起乌拉圭,然后不由自主地扬起嘴角微笑 。