In Turkey, police have detained two suspects in a shooting attack at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara.
在土耳其,警方逮捕了两名涉嫌在美驻安卡拉大使馆枪击嫌犯 。
Officials say the men confessed to firing at the building from their car this morning. No one was injured.
官方称嫌犯承认从车中向大使馆开枪,事件发生在今早,无人员受伤 。
It comes amid an escalating diplomatic dispute between Washington and Ankara.
目前美土两国的外交纠纷不断升级 。
The countries slapped tariffs on each other after Turkey refused to release a detained American pastor.
两国互相征收关税,此前土耳其拒绝释放美国牧师 。
Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, today condemned what he says is an economic attack.
土耳其总统埃尔多安今天谴责了他所谓的经济攻击 。
There is no difference between the attack on our economy and the attack on our prayer and our flag.
攻击经济等于攻击国旗和信仰 。
The aim is the same. The aim is to bring Turkey and Turkish people to their knees and take them hostages.
目标都是一样的,就是让土耳其及其人民屈服,把他们当成人质 。
Those who failed to bring down Turkey through terrorist organizations, treacherous gangs,
thousands of tricks and traps think they can make Turkey give up through exchange rates,
but they will soon see that they are mistaken.
很快会意识到他们错了 。
The Turkish lira has lost 40 percent of its value against the dollar this year,
a slide that was exacerbated by recent U.S. tariffs on imported Turkish metals.
近期美对土出口钢铁征收关税,这加剧了货币暴跌 。
In an interview today, President Trump vowed that he would make no concessions to Turkey for the release of the American pastor.
在今天的采访中,特朗普发誓称不会在释放牧师问题上让步 。
Venezuela's government implemented a major currency overhaul today as part of an effort to mitigate the country's economic crisis.
委内瑞拉政府推行重大货币改革,以缓解国内经济危机 。
It devalues Venezuela's bolivar by 96 percent.
货币玻利瓦尔汇率贬值96% 。
The government also plans to hike the minimum wage by 3000 percent and raise gas prices to international levels.
政府还计划将最低工资提高3000%,并将油价提升到国际水平 。
Venezuelans rushed to stock up on food and other items before prices climb even higher.
市民赶在物价猛增之前囤积食物等物品 。
Economists say inflation there could hit one million percent this year.
经济学家称今年通胀或达到百分之一百万 。
Greece emerged from its final bailout today after eight years of harsh austerity measures,
leaving the country free to set its own economic policies.
希腊可以自由制定经济政策 。
The Eurozone and International Monetary Fund lent over 300 billion dollars to Greece since its economic crisis began in 2010.
自2010年经济危机开始以来,欧元区和国际货币基金组织借给希腊3000亿美金 。
European officials touted the program as a success,
citing a growing economy and an unemployment rate that's fallen under 20 percent, from a peak of 28 percent in 2013.
并提到了不断增长的经济,失业率从2013年的28%降到了20%以下 。
The end today of the European support program to Greece is a very important moment,
欧洲援助项目今天告一段落,今天是个非常重要的时刻 。
I would even say historic for all of us, and above all for the Greek people.
我想这是历史性的时刻,最主要的是对于希腊人民而言 。
These were eight difficult years, often painful, which were marked by three successive programs.
这八年是艰难的,往往是痛苦的,我们对希腊连续实施了三个救助项目 。
But now Greece can finally draw a line under a crisis which has lasted for too long.
但如今,希腊终于可以从漫长的危机中走出来 。
Many Greek households have suffered under the austerity measures.
在紧缩措施下,许多希腊市民遭受痛苦 。
One-third of the country's population is at risk of poverty.
全国三分之一人口饱受饥饿风险 。