So now someone wanted to kill me. But how did anyone know I was working on this case?
现在有人想杀我 。但是这个人怎么知道我在查这个案子呢?
Was Lenny part of this kidnapping in some way? I still had more questions than I had answers about this case.
兰尼是不是以某种其他方式参与绑架了?关于这案子,问题还是比答案多 。
I called my friend Officer Cho back at the police station. He had the car registration information I requested earlier.
我给警局的卓回电话 。他查到了我要的信息 。
The mysterious red car that hit Anne last night on the freeway belonged to John Costello, age 37, living in Santa Monica.
这个撞安妮的神秘红车的主人是约翰·科斯特洛,37岁,住在圣塔莫尼卡 。
Tomorrow I would visit Costello. Tonight, I just needed to get some sleep.
我明天会去圣塔莫尼卡 。今晚,我需要睡上一觉 。
The next morning I got up early and went to visit Anne in the hospital. Luckily, she was doing just fine.
第二天我起了个大早,前往安妮所在的医院 。幸运的是,她还不错 。
I told her I would pick her up later in the afternoon and give her a ride home.
我告诉她我下午晚些时候再来接她回家 。
First, I went to visit June Brown,
the other ex-employee of Pardo Computers that Anne and Bill thought might be involved in the kidnapping.
她是帕尔多公司的另一名前员工,安妮和比尔认为她可能参与绑架 。
She now worked at a clothing store on the beach, Stem's Fashions.
现在她在沙滩上的一家服装店工作 。