This great big story was made possible by Wells Fargo. Established 1852, re-established 2018.
感谢初创于1852年,重组于2018年的万国银行对本期《伟大的故事》的大力支持 。
Every night during the holy month Of Ramadan,
Muslims around the world attend an iftar-a meal to break the day's religious fast.
世界各地的穆斯林都要参加斋月晚餐 - 打破当天宗教禁食的一餐饭 。
But in Iran's holy city of Mashhad, there is an iftar like no other.
然而,伊朗圣城马什哈德的斋月晚餐可谓举世无双 。
During the 30 days of Ramadan,
the Imam Reza Mosque hosts a break fast of epic proportions.
伊玛目·雷扎清真寺提供的结束斋戒的餐食的场面可谓是空前绝后 。
Every night as the sun sets, thousands of meals are served to hungry observers.
每天夜晚,夕阳西下时,就会有成千上万份的食物被送到饥肠辘辘的信徒们面前 。
Cooking for that many people can be a daunting job,
so they enlist the help of over 400 volunteers.
所以他们招收了400多名志愿者 。
To pull this off, the volunteer chefs start their day at five a.m.
为了解决这个问题,志愿者厨师凌晨五点就要开始工作 。
and spend most of their time chopping and stirring the evening's meal.
而且,他们大部分时间都是在切这切那,拌这拌那 。
But 13,000 meals means a lot of food.
尽管如此,1.3万份饭的量真的很大 。
The mosque goes through 2 tons of fresh vegetables, 4 tons of rice, and 3 tons of meat every single night.
清真寺每晚都要处理2吨新鲜蔬菜,4吨大米和3吨肉 。
But despite the challenges, volunteers and patrons alike consider it a great honor to attend this special iftar.
然而,尽管面临着重重挑战,志愿者和赞助人都认为能够参与制作这个特别的开斋饭是一件非常荣幸的事 。